Is my trt too high?

In case you need some riveting reading material over Christmas. Merry Christmas Danny Bossa wherever you are.

And while we are at it....

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Apples, oranges, how about bananas anybody? Maybe an avocado?

The amount of random advice in this thread based on "nothing" is staggering. But that's what you get when you such a question on an aas board.

OP didn't mention one important biomarker; shbg, nor did he mention any other parameters of his protocol. At 1100 through, peak is probably around 1500. Both of which would be called "sports trt" aka trt + unless his SHBG is high, 80+, which is unlikely as pinning androgens lower's shbg, he is well in to the supraphysiological range of free androgens. Probably somewhere around 2 to 5x. Presumably. IF his doctors are calculating all of this for him, and if it's not one of those american trt clinics, then he's probably fine.

A trt dose should fall in the range of 600 - 750 ng dl. Those are normal healthy numbers. 800+ are outliers, 1000+ are rare and usually have shbg of 70 to a 100. When you want to cycle you push beyond those numbers, but for staying healthy, keeping your free androgen index close to or within physiological range should be the best practice.

@glutesforthesloots post your albumin and shbg so we can calc your free T. I'd also like to see your iron panel and cbc.
Where have you been all my life. At least the last 5 years. Bless you for keeping it real.
Your clinic should be taking the ranes on this discussion but 1100 is just a hair above the normal average ranges from 350-1070 depending on what source you’re citing. So that would mean you’re just barely in the high category now for TRT.

This really boils down to long term goals and risk tollerance. If you don’t plan on blasting and want solid steady gains while accepting the risks of bieng a hair into the high test group, keep it. On the other hand if this is a long term health play then I tend to hear 800 as a common and still high average number. Again though, your clinic should be earning their pay here and advising you with a long term TRT plan not some online forum.

PS: I’m not in medical but from these forums it seems everyone converts T at different rates so there isn’t really a universal 100mg=800 total T
Most “clinics” other than maybe a few like Defy care less about your health, they are trying to sell plans and the more they sell the more they make. I had used clinic who never asked for labs!
Yes your definitely not a doctor. 160 -200 mg is a normal starting dose at many US clinics. Yes, 500 mg is not "TRT" for the vast majority of patients. We are all bio unique.

Thats the attitude winner! Agreed. At 160 a week.....I felt better. At I am 18 again. It is not lost on me that estrogen does need some controlling but the purpose of TRT is to feel better. If I can feel and train like I am young again with minimal estrogen support then why not feel good! Last bloodwork was at about 1300 with free T in the 150 range. Best I have felt in a decade and besides my estrogen being out of range, all other bloodwork was excellent or improving.
clinics that START at 200mg are essentially pill mills for legal steroids. the literature does not support this... DEA starts looking when go over 220 IIRC...

people feel better on more opiates or more adderal aswell....

guess its my opinion that trt is more modest approach vs enhanced/'optimum' and reasonable Drs will start u lower than u want, and slowly work up... there is many reasons for this. one good one is why take 200mg when 95mg makes u feel alot better? Of course if ur looking for gains and ur already at 500 natty ya ur gunna need alot more to feel different..

I dont care what people do, I am just concerned MANY people dont get that just because a DR Rx means its safe and healthiest option.. so they keep taking more and more not really wanting to get gains just "quality of life" but than find themselves getting gains and loving it(ie addict behaviour) THAN dealing with 3-4 more meds(ie AI, BP meds, statins) to maintain health when above 200mg-250mg a week. for some reason they fool themselves this is ok and healthy.. anyhoo, TRT again IMO should be lowest effective dose for symptoms.... if want gains, thats great, just know it has more risks than lowest effective dose and should be considered enhanced/legal steroids vs TRT...
Most “clinics” other than maybe a few like Defy care less about your health, they are trying to sell plans and the more they sell the more they make. I had used clinic who never asked for labs!
YUP... even defy seems a little iffy IMO just from a couple things ive seen guys say(could just be 1 dr or other things going on)... guess im to conservative for those libtard DRs.. lol
clinics that START at 200mg are essentially pill mills for legal steroids. the literature does not support this... DEA starts looking when go over 220 IIRC...
My friend used one of those for a bit Said everytime they’d ask him for bloodwork he’d say the results are pending and he’d upload it after they allowed him to refill the script. He’d refill the script and never upload the bloodwork. And said they never gave a shit if he actually uploaded it or not lol