Is reconstitution solution good for tirzepatide?

Bacteriostatic water ("bac water") is sterile water and 0.9% benzyl alcohol. If that is what you purchased—and you are 100% certain it is—than you have bac water.

It's best practice to have pharma grade bac water... Hospira made by Pfizer is preferred and safest to reconstitute peptides, including Tirzepatide.

There are many factors than can affect potency of peptides, and this forum has a multitude of threads discussing them. At this point, you need to learn how to use the "search bar" and "search" for those answers.
damn what happens if I already injected it into me though ?

hopefully no unwanted sides

Amazon BAC water is crap, but small amounts aren't likely to be a major problem.

That said, you have access to pharma grade BAC with Pfizer's Hospira. The main source at a good price, Medex, could stop selling at any moment frankly, so hurry up and get it while you still can,
why exactly is it bad?

Bacteriostatic Water for Injection has very precise requirements, as you'd expect anything intended for injection into humans would. It's not just sterile water. It must be endotoxin free. That is not something you can buy at the grocery store, It must be a very specific PH, and even the plastic vial it comes in must be a very specific pharma grade that won't change the PH or leach contaminants into the liquid. It must be put into a container USP certified particle free. All of this production is done in sterile facilities under supervision of the FDA. It's considered a medical product and only to be sold with a prescription.

Perhaps the stuff being sold on Amazon is being made in a pharma factory and meets all these requirements, and they just forgot to put their FDA registration number on the vial.

Or maybe it's someone printing labels at home and pouring distilled water (if you're lucky) and some cheap industrial grade benzyl alcohol into vials they bought off Ali Express in their filthy garage.

The wrong PH will damage your peptide, and encourage the growth of aggregates which can turn the peptide into a kind of "vaccine" against itself, so the peptide becomes less and less effective over time.

Endotoxin can make you sick. It increases systemic inflammation, which, along with sub-visible particle contamination can damage organs and speed up the development of arthritis.

BAC is 99% of what you inject. When genuine pharma grade is available and so cheap it's insane to choose any other option.
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damn what happens if I already injected it into me though ?

hopefully no unwanted sides

To ease your mind a bit, I've used Amazon reconstitution water for almost a year now without any issues. At that time I didn't know better and I still have Reta mixed already that I'll finish off.

Life is about chances, you can use that stuff for a long time and not suffer any issues from it, until one day it'll bite you in the ass. The quality from the ones you get from Amazon is not the best and that's putting it mildly. Getting true Bac water will greatly improve your chances of getting good quality water that you're injecting in yourself. But the odds of even those water not causing problems, while very little, are never zero.

I'm not encouraging or discouraging either, you can make the decision on your own. In the end it's how risky you want to be. Amazon high risk, Hospira very low risk.
I advise against using it. I use the same one and a large red bump followed by a fever and pip. The fever went away in 24 hrs , large red bump and pip took a week.

You'd be amazed how frequently I hear "My wife wants to stop, because the pain is too much".

Invariably when I ask for details, it's another of the Amazon "BAC" water brands that appears on a weekly basis. Switch to Hospira, and this problem disappears.
I used Amazon “bac water” at first and had no problems myself but the hospira brand is cheaper and better overall.

They were my first source as well. I had issues with the first two "brands" I tried. One had terrible pip. The other resulted in peptides that lost efficacy by the second day. Then found a brand that seemed to work well, until a year later a bottle from a new order caused a big welt to form. That's when I educated myself on what BAC is supposed to be under the pharmaceutical standard, why "real" pharma grade BAC wasn't available from Amazon without a prescription, and the stuff being sold on Amazon could be anything, made in completely unknown conditions, and certainly not an FDA inspected facility.
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They were my first source as well. I had issues with the first two "brands" I tried. One had terrible pip. The other resulted in peptides that lost efficacy by the second day. Then found a brand that seemed to work well, until a year later a bottle from a new order caused a big welt to form. That's when I educated myself on what BAC is supposed to be under the pharmaceutical standard, why "real" pharma grade BAC wasn't available from Amazon without a prescription, and the stuff being sold on Amazon could be anything, made in completely unknown conditions, and certainly not an FDA inspected facility.
I’ve been tempted to get something like this to make BAC water with.

Only problem is removing the cap.
This is fine to use, normal saline (0.9%, meaning isotonic, NaCl) is also perfectly acceptable.

This small amount of alcohol is unlikely to denature the polypeptide.

Don’t feel that you’re married to bac water, or whatever they label it as, either bro

The risk tradeoffs, that are the major reason why bac water is regulated — besides the benzyl alcohol causing allergic reactions — is that since people don’t accurately gauge its risks that are practically equivalent to normal saline, they overestimate its sanitation. The sanitariness of making your own 0.9% isotonic bac water is definitely less than using normal saline (0.9% NaCl, OTC).

Normal saline is as safe practically as bacteriostatic water for us. The exception is for those booting street drugs like heroin, unless you are injecting visibly damaged vials and/or peptides with visible microbial — especially fungal — growth.
I’ve been tempted to get something like this to make BAC water with.

Only problem is removing the cap.

Not ideal unless you decant this into sterile containers but if you're going to do it anyway:

It meets the USP Specs for Sterile Water for Injection so it's fine.

What are you looking at for the Benzyl Alcohol? USP/NF has multiple grades. You'll want "Endotoxin Free" or "For Parenteral Applications" (Parenteral=for injection).

You can pierce that top with a 20g or larger needle, then reseal with a sterile sticker like this or any "non breathable" sterile wound closing tape.

Not ideal unless you decant this into sterile containers but if you're going to do it anyway:

It meets the USP Specs for Sterile Water for Injection so it's fine.

What are you looking at for the Benzyl Alcohol? USP/NF has multiple grades. You'll want "Endotoxin Free" or "For Parenteral Applications" (Parenteral=for injection).

You can pierce that top with a 20g or larger needle, then reseal with a sterile sticker like this or any "non breathable" sterile wound closing tape.

I was tempted to just add BA to it depending on how much head space is left in the bottle, then transfer to sterile containers.
You'd be amazed how frequently I hear "My wife wants to stop, because the pain is too much".

Invariably when I ask for details, it's another of the Amazon "BAC" water brands that appears on a weekly basis. Switch to Hospira, and this problem disappears.
any idea where to buy it in europe?
ive asked about it in 10 drug stores, including big ones in 2 hospitals, no luck.

looked at internet, no luck.

cant find even non pharma bac water, seems like in here nobody knows what it is.