Is that clomid or enclomphine?

You come here and ask a reddit tier question and reaffirm your reddit membership by saying enclomiphene is more efficient, better results, less sides than testosterone. Of fucking course I want to see your physique because all of that is incorrect and only something a dyel redditor would say.

Have you started your dbol only cycle yet? Then pct
Lol keep digging that hole of yours buddy. Try reading any study on EC vs Clomid and tell me my statement was wrong. I wasn’t even vouching for one or another, was simply engaging in a conversation.

“Our study found that EC and CC are effective treatments in increasing total testosterone without negatively affecting spermatogenesis. EC demonstrated to be more effective in raising gonadotropin levels and TMSC”

Now let’s see some sliver of educated banter or will you divert back to your good ol’ tired Redditor insults ?

And yes my thumbs are clean shaven, I know hairy thumbs get you off so staying away.
Lol keep digging that hole of yours buddy. Try reading any study on EC vs Clomid and tell me my statement was wrong. I wasn’t even vouching for one or another, was simply engaging in a conversation.

“Our study found that EC and CC are effective treatments in increasing total testosterone without negatively affecting spermatogenesis. EC demonstrated to be more effective in raising gonadotropin levels and TMSC”

Now let’s see some sliver of educated banter or will you divert back to your good ol’ tired Redditor insults ?

And yes my thumbs are clean shaven, I know hairy thumbs get you off so staying away.

I think you've missed something. The idiot thinks you're comparing enclomiphene to testosterone not enclomiphene to clomid.
Indian pharma description is confusing as it says equivalent to enclomphine..

99.5% Sure
Signature "Enclomiphene" and Maneesh "Enclofert" are both real Enclomiphene. I understand what is stamped on the foil backed package seems like a contradiction but it is probably due to Indian laws on production of only domestically approved drugs in India.

Maneesh also makes plain "Clofert" which is Clomid.

In the past year I have cycled all three at times with NO other drugs to distort feedback. Signature E and Maneesh E are not clomid. The Z isomer has that distinct "crazy ho eating ice cream crying while watching Thelma and Louise" feeling and pronounced vision problems.

For me a little is all that is needed (6.25 EOD or E3D, not PCT) otherwise I will start experiencing low E symptoms. It dries you out much more then Clomid. I suspect the Z isomer targets some of the ER receptors in exocrine glands.

I hope this helps!
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99.5% Sure
Signature "Enclomiphene" and Maneesh "Enclofert" are both real Enclomiphene. I understand what is stamped on the foil backed package seems like a contradiction but it is probably due to Indian laws on production of only domestically approved drugs in India.

Maneesh also makes plain "Clofert" which is Clomid.

In the past year I have cycled all three at times with NO other drugs to distort feedback. Signature E and Maneesh E are not clomid. The Z isomer has that distinct "crazy ho eating ice cream crying while watching Thelma and Louise" feeling and pronounced vision problems.

For me a little is all that is needed (6.25 EOD or E3D, not PCT) otherwise I will start experiencing low E symptoms. It dries you out much more then Clomid. I suspect the Z isomer targets some of the ER receptors in exocrine glands.

I hope this helps!
I highly doubt this.

Why would it says Clomiphene citrate on the ingredient list at all if it didnt have it? It wouldnt even be relevant to the ingredient list

Even the indian sources say its not enclomiphene.

That will be gone for a while! Maneesh Pharmaceuticals announced they were discontinuing it, the product however was still being manufactured. We purchased this mysterious and suspicious batch and tested it, it turned out to be Clomiphene and not Enclomiphene.

We have not yet received approval from India-FDA to manufacture our own and are instead pursuing Toremifene as we have approval for it. Obtaining API is difficult as Chinese companies mislabel the product and it causes issues for us at India customs.

Your feels report doesnt mean much.
I highly doubt this.

Why would it says Clomiphene citrate on the ingredient list at all if it didnt have it? It wouldnt even be relevant to the ingredient list

Even the indian sources say its not enclomiphene.

Your feels report doesnt mean much.
Your mom sure likes my feels report. She calls me "HD" ! Says she always feels like she is in the lumbar aisle at home depot when I come over.

Lets send it in to get it tested and loser pays. We can wait for you to save up your allowance.

"Why would it says Clomiphene citrate" I have heard squirrel farts that have more meaningful noise then your gibberish.

Hmmm...let see..

Maybe because Clomiphene has passed regulation/trials in a ton of countries and Enclomiphene has not. A foil pack that ends up in Mexico can be sold as a pharmacutical because the content says "Clomiphene".

Clomiphene is its parent drug and the manufacturer can play two hands at once. Clomiphene is comprised of 62% Enclomiphene and it hasnt passed the years of trials and millions of $ to get approved.

There is a huge demand for Enclomiphene with the FDA recently not approving, meaning most compunding pharmacies can no longer make it.

So let me get this straight..With what I said you think this company makes two drugs, one called "En Clofort" and one called "Clofort". Paid all the over head for labels, tablet presses and documentation just to make the same drug while putting "Clomiphene" on the label for shits and giggles?

I can tell you and Rick have really thought this one out!
Your mom sure likes my feels report. She calls me "HD" ! Says she always feels like she is in the lumbar aisle at home depot when I come over.

Lets send it in to get it tested and loser pays. We can wait for you to save up your allowance.

"Why would it says Clomiphene citrate" I have heard squirrel farts that have more meaningful noise then your gibberish.

Hmmm...let see..

Maybe because Clomiphene has passed regulation/trials in a ton of countries and Enclomiphene has not. A foil pack that ends up in Mexico can be sold as a pharmacutical because the content says "Clomiphene".

Clomiphene is its parent drug and the manufacturer can play two hands at once. Clomiphene is comprised of 62% Enclomiphene and it hasnt passed the years of trials and millions of $ to get approved.

There is a huge demand for Enclomiphene with the FDA recently not approving, meaning most compunding pharmacies can no longer make it.

So let me get this straight..With what I said you think this company makes two drugs, one called "En Clofort" and one called "Clofort". Paid all the over head for labels, tablet presses and documentation just to make the same drug while putting "Clomiphene" on the label for shits and giggles?

I can tell you and Rick have really thought this one out!
You are such a a clown. I have no problem dropping money on a 120 dollar test with a 100 dollar reimbursement from the source.

There is alot of history of Indian source testing for this shit in the forums

Other Indian sources says it's not the enclomiphene either.
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You are such a a clown. I have no problem dropping money on a 120 dollar test with a 100 dollar reimbursement from the source.

There is alot of history of Indian source testing for this shit in the forums

Other Indian sources says it's not the enclomiphene either.
Sounds like you're planning on paying for your lesson with coupons. Go figure!!

The blog reader with all the Your E2 is high
I don’t know but maybe for me it’s a physiological thing. I have used clomid and hated it. I tried their enclomisgn and felt way better without the sides. I’m wondering if it’s placebo or physiological. But I just ordered more enclomisgn and this thread got me worried.