is their an additional benefit to extend pct longer then 4 weeks?


New Member
Just curious if extending pct to 6 or even 8 weeks be beneficial for a quicker recovery? I know typically people do 4 weeks of pct but yet in some cases u are not fully recovered in 4 weeks so why stop nolvadex and clomid before full recovery?
If you know that you've fully cleared your exogenous AAS out of your system before you start PCT (you're actually getting 4 weeks then) then 4 weeks is a pretty standard period of therapy.

You might need longer to recover though. How long have you been on cycle?

Some don't recover... this is the chance we take when we start using AAS.
If you know that you've fully cleared your exogenous AAS out of your system before you start PCT (you're actually getting 4 weeks then) then 4 weeks is a pretty standard period of therapy.

You might need longer to recover though. How long have you been on cycle?

Some don't recover... this is the chance we take when we start using AAS.

I unfortunately never got pre cycle bloods so i will never have numbers to compare to but when i read about pct and about how long u should be off in between cycles i constantly see ppl say 4 weeks is typical length of a decent pct. Yet u also read that u should not hop back on untill fully recovered and typically the rule of thumb is (cycle length+pct=time off) i know the only way to know if ur fully recovered is with blood work but my question is if the rule of thumb time on+pct=time off came about because thats a basic/average time people took to recover then why is it that most people. Recommend only 4 weeks of pct.
I unfortunately never got pre cycle bloods so i will never have numbers to compare to but when i read about pct and about how long u should be off in between cycles i constantly see ppl say 4 weeks is typical length of a decent pct. Yet u also read that u should not hop back on untill fully recovered and typically the rule of thumb is (cycle length+pct=time off) i know the only way to know if ur fully recovered is with blood work but my question is if the rule of thumb time on+pct=time off came about because thats a basic/average time people took to recover then why is it that most people. Recommend only 4 weeks of pct.
Depends on your compounds and the length of your cycle. I dont think anyone can really say for sure since you dont have bloodwork. Thing is even if you had bloodwork to compare to you wouldnt really know if you had recovered until you stopped pct and did bloods a few weeks after that. Reason being you need the serms the clear to know if you had actually recovered anyway. Thats why most guys get bloodwork 4ish weeks after completing pct.

Serms will elevate you levels.

So again depending on your cycle if you ran 4 weeks of clomid and nolva thay should be a sufficient pct. no point pumping extra meds into your body if it isn't necessary.

Since you dont have precycle bloods you would be wise to make sure you stick to a good recovery plan (at least time on+pct) before going again. And get bloods before this time. Ha. Even a year between cycle wouldnt be a bad idea in your case. But thats just me. Hope it works out man.
I was on a 12 week cycle kickstarted with dbol and test e 600mg/week the last 4 weeks i pushed it up to 900mg/week so if i break the numbers down from what read in the sticky on this pct forum test e dosage is half of what it was roughly every 7 days and u should start pct when ur roughly under 75mg so if i break down the math on 900mg i wouldnt start pct till about 3 1/2 -4 weeks after last pin making my cycle in reality a 15 week cycle +4 weeks pct =time off would be 19-20 weeks?
So when i do that math if thats the case it would take me roughly 19 weeks to recover why would i only 4 weeks of pct? if i did a 4 week pct And got bloods 3 weeks after Pct the numbers still mean little to me considering i didnt have pre cycle bloods i kind of fucked my self i was hopeing on doing a cutting cycle during the summer but if im going to be to have to wait 19 weeks after pct that will take through most of the summer
This is only my sencond cycle my first was over 4 years ago when i planned this one out i had thought time= time off was just simply 12weeks on =12weeks off. So i planned for my 2nd and 3rd cycle at once figured i would do a bulk during the winter take most of the spring off then cut up for the summer
Sounds like you've got the math down. You may even be safe to start pct a little sooner, waiting 4 weeks seems like a long time to start. Maybe 21 days to get things goin a little sooner. It is probably debatable.

Your going to have to decide what you want to do as far as time off goes. Many people start right up again even sooner than time on=time off. I think
time on+pct=time off is on the side of caution to ensure a good recovery. Think long term health, not just getting cut up for the summer. That can be done without steroids...if you push recovery trt will be inevitable. Some are ok with that so you need to decide.

As far as getting bloodwork 4 weeks after pct goes its not see if you have made a full recovery...its to see if you are recovering and that your system has jumpstarted. For instance if LH and FSH are present and of course should see some T levels happening as well.
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Sounds like you've got the math down. You may even be safe to start pct a little sooner, waiting 4 weeks seems like a long time to start. Maybe 21 days to get things goin a little sooner. It is probably debatable.

Your going to have to decide what you want to do as far as time off goes. Many people start right up again even sooner than time on=time off. I think
time on+pct=time off is on the side of caution to ensure a good recovery. Think long term health, not just getting cut up for the summer. That can be done without steroids...if you push recovery trt will be inevitable. Some are ok with that so you need to decide.

As far as getting bloodwork 4 weeks after pct goes its not see if you have made a full recovery...its to see if you are recovering and that your system has jumpstarted. For instance if LH and FSH are present and of course should see some T levels happening as well.
I defiantly do not want to be on trt for the rest of my life and i know i can cut up naturally but i have read that cutting naturally is not advised after a bulk cycle bc u will lose a lot of ur gains. Im at the very least goin to do pct and take an additional 8 weeks off get some bloods just to see where i sit with number i have enough pct med to go as long as 8 weeks if i really want to. Is there any health issues with doing clomid and nolvadex for that long?

I also used HCG troughout the cycle my nuts never really shrunk all that much hopefully that helps with a quicker recovery
I dont really mean to do a cut directly after or anything but what im getting at is if you were to do your cut when you had hoped to in the summer anyway. If you were to keep the diet up and training going until that point you should continue to make gains through pct and after. Then if you want to cut in the summer it is true that you would keep more muscle during the cut if you were on, but thats when you will need to make your decision and weight the pros and cons.
Im just saying it can be done, I recently wanted to drop a little extra fat a while ago, not much but dropped 13lbs and based on my bf and measurements i prob lost 2-3 lbs of muscle in the process.
Oh and sorry I dont know off hand about the effects of the serms for that long. Personally i have run Nolva for 7 weeks along with clomid for 4 with no adverse effects.
Just curious if extending pct to 6 or even 8 weeks be beneficial for a quicker recovery? I know typically people do 4 weeks of pct but yet in some cases u are not fully recovered in 4 weeks so why stop nolvadex and clomid before full recovery?

The ONLY way to KNOW whether continued PCT will be beneficial is thru lab testing.
I was on a 12 week cycle kickstarted with dbol and test e 600mg/week the last 4 weeks i pushed it up to 900mg/week so if i break the numbers down from what read in the sticky on this pct forum test e dosage is half of what it was roughly every 7 days and u should start pct when ur roughly under 75mg so if i break down the math on 900mg i wouldnt start pct till about 3 1/2 -4 weeks after last pin making my cycle in reality a 15 week cycle +4 weeks pct =time off would be 19-20 weeks?

That's a FACT few people realize fella and is also why MANY AAS users end up conducting "blast cruise" cycles, having never given those SERMS a chance to work, they ASSUME HTPA recovery is complete and after some brief arbitrary "4-6 week PCT" interval simply begin another cycle!

For complete HTPA in the absence of supportive labs TIME ON cycle EQUALS TIME OFF cycle!

However as Ive mentioned previously, the PCT waiting period may be reduced to some extent by cycling those AAS with shorter half lives LAST rather than the customary practice of using oral agents FIRST, for example, as a "kick start".
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That's a FACT few people realize fella and is also why MANY AAS users end up conducting "blast cruise" cycles, having never given those SERMS a chance to work, they ASSUME HTPA recovery is complete and after some brief arbitrary "4-6 week PCT" interval simply begin another cycle!

For complete HTPA in the absence of supportive labs TIME ON cycle EQUALS TIME OFF cycle!

However as Ive mentioned previously, the PCT waiting period may be reduced to some extent by cycling those AAS with shorter half lives LAST rather than the customary practice of using oral agents FIRST, for example, as a "kick start".
Im defiantly going to consider doing shorter cycles in the future and swapping test e to test p towards the later weeks in my cycles