Is there a problem if you take Exemestane or Ralox powder without dissolving it into a liquid first?


New Member

this question is for people who have experience with Raloxifene or Exemestane powder.

I never dissolved the powders in a liquid first.

In the first attempt i put the Raloxifene in capsules. After taking the capsules i had panic attacks as a reaction - which reminded me of overdosing tamoxifen accidentally decades ago. I thought that possibly the reason was that the capsule dosages were not precise enough.

So in the second attempt/run i just weighted the powder on a high precision lab scale (to the exact mg) and poured the powder in my mouth. Same symptoms. And i noticed my bp was from normally 80/120 to 100/160 (3 days after stopping the ralox powder intake i'm still at 150/90)

Powder seems legit. Light yellow. Maybe it's not legit, i can't say 100% without a lab test. Idk what's going on.

I thought i was going to die after taking the exemestane powder (didn't dissolve it in liquid, either) while starting an enclomiphene cycle. First day 5mg - no reaction. Second day 5mg and heart started racing real bad. Had to leave the house with the mobile ready to call for emergency if i felt getting a heart attack.

In those uncertain situations you start to go through your head all the possible options why things went wrong.

One thought that crossed my mind was that maybe it was due to me not having dissolved the powders in a liquid.

Has anyone of you who used Ralox powder, and ingested it without dissolving it in a liquid and everything went fine?

Exemestane is supposed to be taken with food for a slow release. If you're just putting the powder in your mouth it's getting into your bloodstream very quickly and possibly causing those sides.

Encapsulate it, though at that point I'd just buy the tablets, they're cheap enough.
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