Is this normal sustanon 250mg per week for TRT?


New Member
My mate after a couple of cycles was complaining that he was feeling weak etc. He went to the GP, which referred him to an endocrinologist. After a couple of test the endocrinologist prescribed him 250mg of sustanon per week. Is this normal?

Please note that the endocrinologist is NOT a trt specialist. He will be going to a trt specialist in a couple of months for re-evaluation. They talked on the phone and the trt specialist said not to worry, stick with 250mg now, and when he meets with him they will try a "pct style protocol" to try to restore his natural testosterone, and take it from there.
Sustanon was developed just for TRT,he would need to get blood work to see what his levels are while using that dose if he intends on staying on TRT.
Trt doses vary among individuals. Not everyone responds equally to treatment. But blood work is what ultimately tells all.
Thanks a lot guys. I was just wondering when he told me his dose.. as most people cruise at 250mg a week.
Damn. I had a 262 total test pre-TRT, and I have been on 100 mg of cyp EVERY OTHER week!!! 250 mg per week seems super high for just a TRT dose but everyone's different I guess. My peak levels are around 1500 using only 100 mg.
Damn. I had a 262 total test pre-TRT, and I have been on 100 mg of cyp EVERY OTHER week!!! 250 mg per week seems super high for just a TRT dose but everyone's different I guess. My peak levels are around 1500 using only 100 mg.

250mgs is excessive and imo is frying your receptors unnecessarily. I would recommend seeing an endocrinologist. I am on TRT and I run 100mgs of Cyp EW with great results. 250 is very high.
Most of the test in sustanon is fast release ester so you cant compare it to E or C.I was 1580 on 120 mg a week of test E.Cruising and TRT are different,you can crusie on what ever dose you want but its not TRT because your levels are usually much higher than TRT doses......Theres no way you will know what you actual levels are unless you get blood work done...100mg a week should get you in normal range 348-1197.
The only question is when should they draw blood,TT level will vary on when they draw it because of the fast release esters.....
I would think doing it 3 or 4 days after injection would give a good average of the high and low peaks.
That does seen a little excessive. I'm on 100 mg of cyp per week which keeps me around 1000. My last blood test came back at 580 after not pinning in 8 days.

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That does seen a little excessive. I'm on 100 mg of cyp per week which keeps me around 1000. My last blood test came back at 580 after not pinning in 8 days.

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Really?? My natural Test is 217. I run 100mgs of Watson and it only gets me to 450.
True story. I've only been on TRT for 3 months and I normally inject 50mg every 3.5 days but I decided to skip an injection the week before my test in an attempt to come in a tad lower. My doctor was happy with the number, lipid profile came back good as well. My natty test was around 280 back in March, just to give you a baseline.

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I don't get Watson either, I get 2 1 ml vials of perrigo @ 200 mg/ml for like 20 dollars every month

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True story. I've only been on TRT for 3 months and I normally inject 50mg every 3.5 days but I decided to skip an injection the week before my test in an attempt to come in a tad lower. My doctor was happy with the number, lipid profile came back good as well. My natty test was around 280 back in March, just to give you a baseline.

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I assume it's Cyp so why split it up into two doses? It's a long enough ester. I do 100mgs once a week.
It is cyp and to be honest I don't feel any different pinning once a week versus 2, so IDK. Maybe I just enjoy jabbing myself.

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It is cyp and to be honest I don't feel any different pinning once a week versus 2, so IDK. Maybe I just enjoy jabbing myself.

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I hear that. lol I love the ritual. I love the process,the smell, the pain, all of it. No doubt. I'm will you there. Let's see if I feel the same way after 200mgs EOD Tren A.
The ritual is addicting. Swabbing the stopper. Smelling that isopropyl. Lol
Ive switched gears now and I'm pinning 125 prop/75 tren a eod. This is my first experience with tren so I'm a little cautious.

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