I've done TRT+, now going on TRT+++

Week 10 update

I’ve been steadily increasing my Primo by 70mg a week, and am now at 300mg Test C + 490mg primo/ week.

The things I’ve noticed along the way have been:
Lethargy- I sleep at least 8-9 hours a night now, and wake up tired. It’s like I can’t get enough rest.
Once at the gym, workouts are fine, strength is about the same as without PEDs

Tingling/numbness in arms when sleeping- I wake up to numb arms. Once I get them moving they are fine, but they are absolutely numb and dead to the world until then. I figure that this is due to increased arm size/ etc. not sure really.

Mental attitude - I’m a little more on edge and cranky, but nothing that I cannot manage.

Size- I’m losing fat in my stomach area, and my shoulders are the largest I have ever seen them.

Moving forward- I plan on increasing my testosterone dose to 350-400mg/week and get a blood test soon now that I am on week 10 of 20. The reason for increasing testosterone is because I feel that my lethargy is due to the primo AI effects, but it’s just a guess. I plan on increasing primo 70mg a week until I get to around 700mg/wk.

So far everything is going along well and inal
Getting my diet further into check w each passing week.

If there’s a better area to post this to let me know, and I appreciate any advice y’all have.
Dude I hope you acknowledge you're on cycle. I mean I run primo or mast at 200mg with 200 test and consider that trt +, It still is not trt I'm running a mini cycle. You are running a cycle, nothing trt about it.
Dude I hope you acknowledge you're on cycle. I mean I run primo or mast at 200mg with 200 test and consider that trt +, It still is not trt I'm running a mini cycle. You are running a cycle, nothing trt about it.
In the old days that was called a cruise.

Cycles are quite a bit more
Dude I hope you acknowledge you're on cycle. I mean I run primo or mast at 200mg with 200 test and consider that trt +, It still is not trt I'm running a mini cycle. You are running a cycle, nothing trt about it.
You are 100% right. it definitely has turned into a cycle. I plan on running it for about 20 weeks.
I'm about at the halfway point. Each week I have increased my Primo by 10 units, and am now at 700mg/week.

Test I have slightly increased to 350mg/week.

I did a long 60 mile bike (e-bike) ride over a range in Alaska last week and felt winded more than I normally would have, so upon returning I opted for a full blood panel through Marek.The price of the panel through Marek is pricey, but there's someone on the other end of the phone who is knowledgeable, so there's that.

I did some measurements and even though my arms feel like they are an inch bigger, the bicep measurements are exactly the same as before starting.

I went for a max bench press today to gauge strength gains, and even though I know I'm stronger, I could only muster close to my previous PR I did at totally natty, 365x6. I didn't have a spotter so I didn't go any heavier, but that's about the same bench as before starting.

So far the fat loss and muscle gain is slow, but consistent and slightly noticeable, week to week I'd say maybe 1-2% improvement in overall composition. When I dial in my diet I'd like to see more.

I still haven't touched my D-bol, and may not at all.
When I get my blood test results in I will post them.
I received my blood test results back from labcorp today.
This test was taken 10 weeks into my cycle.
I like that they saved my previous test results (pre-cycle blood test) so I can easily reference my baseline readings.

Things that I notice that pop out to me are:

Estradiol, was 27, now 9.9
Should I be considered with this low E2 number?
I have bumped my Test C to 400/week, and my Primo is 700/week,
should I consider pulling back on the Primo dose, or increasing the Test dose?
Also, I am not currently running any AI at all.

was 900 before cycle (did HCG 2 months prior to the blood draw, its normally 700-800 natural)
now 1500 mid cycle.
free testosterone is 90
I know that my testosterone is going to be high, that's kind of the point of doing all of this. So far this is the highest my testosterone has ever been tested. I feel fine, level headed, a little lethargic in the morning.
They didn't test my DHT. I imagine that number is probably through the roof.
Are these number of any concern regarding a 20 week cycle?

was 1.7, usually measures between 1.3-1.7
now 2.0
Should I be concerned that my PSA is higher. I am running a DHT derivative and finished a long 100+ mile bike ride the week prior to the blood draw.
Do any of you have experience with rising PSA levels on Androgens, so quickly into a cycle?

was 30 (low)
now 24 (really low)
I did donate blood 2 weeks prior to the blood draw. I am currently taking one OptiFerin-C 20mg/day. I should probably increase to two pills a day since I intend to donate blood to combat the extra blood I will have during AAS.

Apolipoprotein B
was 119 pre cycle
now 112 mid cycle
This number is still really high, but it is lower now than it was before, so I take that as a good sign to continue fish oil and my other ancillaries.

now 5.3 (high)
I'm doing better in my diet. I have always had my cholesterol numbers out of whack since I can remember. I don't want to take any statins. Is there anything concerning here?

Need your advice
What do you guys think of these blood results? Is there anything that you would be concerned about, or anything I should add/change to what I am doing?

I'd like to hear your recommendations and input.


12 weeks in, having to cut all of this short.
Ended up having an incident on my bicycle, the carbon frame broke underneath me and put me in the ER w broken collarbone and some other injuries.

After the bike incident, I pulled back to:
140mg/weekTest C
150mg/ week Primobolan

I was originally going to stop all anabolics but my doc at Marek suggested to continue the Test at TRT dose.

Other compounds for healing
I also am adding in:
BPC157 300mcg/day
TB500 300mcg/day

Additional Anabolics
I am considering adding in Nandrolone Decanate and possibly Anavar at low dose to promote healing.

I haven't done either of these compounds, but now that I am in a recovery/healing phase, I want to promote healing as fast and as healthy as I can.

I had a cat scan done at the ER. They said I had cysts on my liver. It possible I've had these for some time, they run in my family. It's probably a good thing I saw that. I was considering adding in 10mg/day of D-bol for the remainder of my cycle.

My bike broke in half on the way back home from the gym. Before the bike incident, my strength was at an all time high. I had just completed a push session, where I did 405 on the flat bench for a set of 6, after slowly working into it over the course of 6 or so sets.

I wasn't aiming for strength, but I find it to be a good benchmark since I am not lean enough to see the change in muscle yet. I was losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time, down about 10lbs since beginning the cycle.
It was nice to see.
Doesn't matter now, I will be back to working out w the 3lb purple dumbbells. I'm ok with that.

I normally read a ton on a subject before diving in, but I am scrambling to get these products in so they can work on me. I'll have to read on what doses are recommended to speed recovery. Muscle growth is of little concern. If I find that they aren't necessary, I'll just add them to my arsenal for later.

Do y'all have any input on what I am considering taking for recovery, or have suggestions of what I should add, or eliminate?
Ended up having an incident on my bicycle, the carbon frame broke underneath me and put me in the ER w broken collarbone and some other injuries.

Do y'all have any input on what I am considering taking for recovery, or have suggestions of what I should add, or eliminate?
That's terrible news. It's doubly unfortunate given your progress in the gym.

These types of catastrophe failure with carbon frames have always worried me.

Do you have any idea why the frame broke? Did you buy it as a used bike? Or were you in a previous accident that may have unknowingly cracked it?

My mechanic discovered a crack in my bike frame at the beginning of summer. I had no idea how long I had been riding it like that. I suspect it could have been for over a year. I guess I am lucky to escape misfortune.

If I were you, I would just drop back to regular TRT levels at 100-125mg max. I don't think there is any point to do any more until you've fully recovered. And I wish you a quick recovery. Just be patient
That's terrible news. It's doubly unfortunate given your progress in the gym.

These types of catastrophe failure with carbon frames have always worried me.

Do you have any idea why the frame broke? Did you buy it as a used bike? Or were you in a previous accident that may have unknowingly cracked it?

My mechanic discovered a crack in my bike frame at the beginning of summer. I had no idea how long I had been riding it like that. I suspect it could have been for over a year. I guess I am lucky to escape misfortune.

If I were you, I would just drop back to regular TRT levels at 100-125mg max. I don't think there is any point to do any more until you've fully recovered. And I wish you a quick recovery. Just be patient
This was number three in a list of multiple frames from the manufacturer.
They have been great with their warranty. This incident is harder than others, but I’m managing.
I’ve added deca at 200mg/week through script while watching blood pressure.
Once I’m all healed I’ll order a couple Trek Exe’s to replace my current mountain bikes and I’ll chalk my original e-bikes to a loss and learning curve.
When I regain use of my right arm. I’ll write a memoir.
Until then, my focus is on getting back to where I was and then continuing on.
Week 22 update

I am 8 weeks post bicycle-breaking-in-half.

I have pulled back to 140-160mg/ week of test C/week.
I discontinued the Deco after 3 weeks of suing it at 100-200mg/week due to it increasing blood pressure. now on 10mg anavar/day in combination with the Test C.

From my reading, Anavar increases collagen synthesis at near the same amount as Deco. I seem to handle the anavar well.

I figure that I am about 4 weeks out from being able to hit the weights at the gym again. Currently just doing cardio and the sauna.

When I do hit the weights, I will order the new Trek E-Bike as a reward to myself. I'm opting for the aluminum version of the bikes vs the carbon. No more carbon for me.

Healing is going well and I feel that everything is on track for a full recovery.

My doc has added the following compounds to aid in my healing process:
Vit B shots

I am stuck between a rock and a hard place w the anabolic. My plan was to discontinue use and go on a PCT post 20 weeks. Now I am still using anabolics to aid in my recovery and am leery to discontinue them and go cold turkey w a PCTwith just my natural levels of hormones

I don't want to stay on the TRT any longer than needed because I feel that my natural T production will decrease with the atrophy of my testes/ HPTA-axis as I continue on anabolics for longer.

My original plan was to drop off cycle and go straight to PCT and recover my HPTA. Now I am going from 20 week cycle to TRT for 8 weeks to PCT.

My ultimate goal is to get back to full recovery and then hit cycle again.

Do y'all have any recommendations advice for me regarding my plan?
It's been 4 months since the injury and my recovery has been going great. Some aches and pains while lifting, bench press went from 400+ to my new workout weight of 75lbs, but that's to be expected.

Ive dropped down to TRT dose back 4 months ago, 2 months ago weened off all anabolics and started PCT about 2 weeks after.

It's going to be short time between PCT to starting TRT but the low energy and reduced healing rate makes me want to get back on sooner than later. I'll see how far my HPTA has recovered.

This goes in the face of what I've read about time on vs time off, but I feel I'm doing myself a disservice by being off anabolics during recovery.

Plan is to get blood tests and see where I am at, and if all is well, start off on a low dow dose TRT, and titrate up slowly, working in compounds.

Compound Storage
With some of the extra time I had away from the gym I created a supplement container inside an old domed style wooden luggage chest. It's got 3 sections, one for refrigerated sups. at 34 degrees, one for extreme freeze at 0F, and one that's regulated around 65 degrees. It's pretty cool looking and no one would guess what it houses by the sight of it. I used linear actuators to have it quietly open to my voice command & password, and close and auto-lock when I get back out of it. I nicknamed it the Hydabolic, which happens to also be one of its wake words so if someone were to say that they would be in for a surprise.

If all is well w blood work I plan my next phase. If I do this I will start a new thread.
It's been 4 months since the injury and my recovery has been going great. Some aches and pains while lifting, bench press went from 400+ to my new workout weight of 75lbs, but that's to be expected.

Ive dropped down to TRT dose back 4 months ago, 2 months ago weened off all anabolics and started PCT about 2 weeks after.

It's going to be short time between PCT to starting TRT but the low energy and reduced healing rate makes me want to get back on sooner than later. I'll see how far my HPTA has recovered.

This goes in the face of what I've read about time on vs time off, but I feel I'm doing myself a disservice by being off anabolics during recovery.

Plan is to get blood tests and see where I am at, and if all is well, start off on a low dow dose TRT, and titrate up slowly, working in compounds.

Compound Storage
With some of the extra time I had away from the gym I created a supplement container inside an old domed style wooden luggage chest. It's got 3 sections, one for refrigerated sups. at 34 degrees, one for extreme freeze at 0F, and one that's regulated around 65 degrees. It's pretty cool looking and no one would guess what it houses by the sight of it. I used linear actuators to have it quietly open to my voice command & password, and close and auto-lock when I get back out of it. I nicknamed it the Hydabolic, which happens to also be one of its wake words so if someone were to say that they would be in for a surprise.

If all is well w blood work I plan my next phase. If I do this I will start a new thread.
You should’ve never went off completely. PCT is pointless if you were just gonna jump back on trt which you should’ve just done form the start instead of pct.
You should’ve never went off completely. PCT is pointless if you were just gonna jump back on trt which you should’ve just done form the start instead of pct.
I can agree with this, looking at it from the other side of PCT. It’s like my gains and strength melted away, along with my sex drive and that euphoric feeling that everything was just a-ok.

I want to recover my Test/HPTA so I know I don’t have to jab forever.

Just got my results back. 700’ish test, 21 free test, so it’s back! No worries there. Also, the rest of my bloodwork came back better than before I started the cycle.

The biggest thing I saw, was my PSA dropping from 2.0 to 1.3. Those numbers were getting me worried, though I did read that PSA increases during androgen use.

Knowing that, I’ll be able to do another round and not have the nagging thoughts that I won’t recover.

I do agree with you, next time I’ll probably pull back to TRT, or maybe include HCG during cycle.