JL_Pharma steer clear the cunt is a scaming dog


New Member
the bloke sent me test prop put 2% ba 20% bb made it 200mg/ml and it still held without crashing. just giving everyone a heads up
the bloke sent me test prop put 2% ba 20% bb made it 200mg/ml and it still held without crashing. just giving everyone a heads up
I'm a little confused.... Wtf is this post actually about??
Cunt on forums selling bunk powder claiming to be 98%
Ok. So for us ignorant to home brewing. You're saying raws were purchased, you brewed them up to a state where they should have not held solution, they did in fact hold proving the raw is bunk?
Japed them nothing happened put a stuipid amount to see if it'll crash never did. Test prop wouldn't hold at a stuipid amount at high ml with 20% bb 2% ba
Japed them nothing happened put a stuipid amount to see if it'll crash never did. Test prop wouldn't hold at a stuipid amount at high ml with 20% bb 2% ba
Thank you for (somewhat) clarifying. I was originally confused. Did you research this source at all before purchase? Did you receive unsolicited PMs here offering services from this source?
PM bro lesson learned don't be a idiot whem geting a source better ask questions and do research
As long as you learn something from mistakes, then they weren't really mistakes. Thanks for bringing this out in the open. Please hit the "report" button when you receive unsolicited PMs offering products.