Just started a new cycle from Muscle Candy. Currently running 500mg test e, 400mg EQ, 300 NPP, and 100 mg anadrol a day too kickstart. Also running fin 1mg ed, arimidex .25mg eod, and telmisartan 40mg ed.
I have noticed that i am getting some joint pain around elbows and my muscles that i trained the day before are super sore when i wakeup the next day. The week before this i was on trt and had great workouts. It seems that i am getting weaker, and my joints are more fragile/ sensitive. I was recently sick but i felt better this past weekend. I am wondering why this cycle is causing me to be "weaker" and possibly weakening my joints? I might still have some sort of sickness, but it seems to have subsided. I dont know what is causing this. I also have super bad pip from the high concentration inj, and the sore muscles are in places i usually don't get sore. (back, traps, mid/lower back)
I have noticed that i am getting some joint pain around elbows and my muscles that i trained the day before are super sore when i wakeup the next day. The week before this i was on trt and had great workouts. It seems that i am getting weaker, and my joints are more fragile/ sensitive. I was recently sick but i felt better this past weekend. I am wondering why this cycle is causing me to be "weaker" and possibly weakening my joints? I might still have some sort of sickness, but it seems to have subsided. I dont know what is causing this. I also have super bad pip from the high concentration inj, and the sore muscles are in places i usually don't get sore. (back, traps, mid/lower back)