Joint Therapy


New Member
Hey guys. Looking for some experience in this category. I've been on and off AAS for almost 10 years now. I'm 29 and weighing in at about 230. I just finished up my last cycle (400mg T400/week). It was a super simple cycle but man I feel like something was up with it. My experience with Test only cycles gave me everything I wanted. I felt great, my libido was sky high, I was as strong as an ox and I cut up more than anything. Also my typical side effects are greasy skin, bacne, hair growth, and my balls usually shrink up. This cycle had completely opposite effects on me and i'm not sure what it is to blame. I'm thinking it was bunk, it was definitely from mexico but from a very respected source of mine. This cycle i felt like shit, my joints went to hell, I wouldn't even think about pussy when it was right in front of me, i've been tired as shit, and i put on about 20 pounds of junk. It has been pretty awful. Now that i've completed my post cycle i'm ready to start thinking forward again. I need to rebuild my joints. They are fucking awful. I crack and pop everywhere, i'm so fucking stiff in the morning, i cough and my spine pops. It has been hindering my entire livelihood. I'm a self-employed technician, I am wrenching on shit and on the move all day and now i can barely get out of bed let alone go to the gym or take my dogs for a run. Help me out here fellas. I'd like to hear from anyone that has had positive or negative experience in joint regeneration. Happy Holidays you crazy fucks.
If you are that creaky and dried out, what is your e2 like? Like the actual number...
You should know exactly what's up from your blood work! But I'm doubting you got it done.
I agree with NoTits^^^^ Sounds like you were running a legit AI and bunk Test. Get blood work. Especially since a little math shows you started cycling around age 19. You need to get some baseline.

