Just test or is it better adding something else

You could say that rad140 is useless not sarms in general.
wtf, you build muscle on deficit, your muscles get so full of glycogen your strength shoots through the roof, it has a very DHT-like aggression and drive factor, increases libido crazily

it's definitely not useless

unhealthy, unresearched, unsustainable, yes, but definitely not useless
Are any worthwhile? I never bothered with them. My original idea was to use them but the guy behind the counter said it was a waste of time.
The best sarms destroy my lipids just as bad as oral steroids but don't offer quite as much in the way of performance enhancement.
LGD-4033 is decent to add alongside a bulking cycle. It makes my appetite go through the roof. It gives a bit of a strength increase too, although the pumps can get incredibly painful.
RAD-140 gave me dizzy spells so I stopped it after the first week.
Ostarine didn't do much of anything that I noticed.
YK-11 I still need to try. I have some but haven't got around to trying it yet.
Once you take real steroids it doesn't make much sense to use sarms. They're weak by comparison.
I usually just run 300-500mg of test and 20mg turinabol it’s all I ever really used. My juicehead friend at the gym who I’ve known for a few years said that I would be better off using 100mg of test and stacking it with deca/tren/dianabol or anadrol. Basically he said testosterone was virtually useless but I’ve seen decent gains with it and not much side effects. I don’t know who to believe when it comes to gear, everyone has different opinions. The guy is enormous so he must be doing something right, must be like 260lbs.

The example he used was that 300mg of test and deca would be far better than running 750mg of just test.
Anybody tried tnmt 500 pls
I’m only late 20s. Will take this into mind.

then don't be afraid of optimizing your natural T with effective supplements, high fat and protein diet and enclomiphene monotherapy...

when you reach 30, just hop on your highest tolerable dose of test and keep at it

don't fuck around with sarms, don't fuck around with 19nors
then don't be afraid of optimizing your natural T with effective supplements, high fat and protein diet and enclomiphene monotherapy...

when you reach 30, just hop on your highest tolerable dose of test and keep at it

don't fuck around with sarms, don't fuck around with 19nors
Why sarms? I’m aware of 19-nors.

Looking back if I knew what I did now I would’ve used enclomiphene or other methods although I’ll be serious I am quite happy that I went on the gear bandwagon as it drastically changed my physique, but sometimes you gotta stop being a little b*tch and take responsibility for your own actions. Play the cards your dealt I’ve already ran a few compounds. Fertility is my only concern, I don’t care about trt’ing for life it’s not the biggest deal breaker.

I was considering adding low dose npp or tren a at 200mg. On 600mg of test at the minute. Orals mess with my stomach too much.
wtf, you build muscle on deficit, your muscles get so full of glycogen your strength shoots through the roof, it has a very DHT-like aggression and drive factor, increases libido crazily

it's definitely not useless

unhealthy, unresearched, unsustainable, yes, but definitely not useless
None of this shit is healthy. I just view it from a risk reward standpoint. Yes this will F me up but is the reward from this specific compound worth it? Just accept it for what it is and listen to more experienced users to guide you on the right path. There’s three or four people here that I take their word for as gospel because they have an abundance of experience in this game.
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Why sarms? I’m aware of 19-nors.

Looking back if I knew what I did now I would’ve used enclomiphene or other methods although I’ll be serious I am quite happy that I went on the gear bandwagon as it drastically changed my physique, but sometimes you gotta stop being a little b*tch and take responsibility for your own actions. Play the cards your dealt I’ve already ran a few compounds. Fertility is my only concern, I don’t care about trt’ing for life it’s not the biggest deal breaker.

I was considering adding low dose npp or tren a at 200mg. On 600mg of test at the minute. Orals mess with my stomach too much.
200mg of either would be solid honestly. Sides should be minimal and it'll produce noticeable gains, while also adding a different feel/look than just test
200mg of either would be solid honestly. Sides should be minimal and it'll produce noticeable gains, while also adding a different feel/look than just test
Test is good though. Lowered my semen volume and shrunk my balls but apart from that no sides. I want to use the least drugs possible and focus on diet/working out. This 600mg test is just to help achieve it.