Just test or is it better adding something else

so i just gotta say this I ran RAD-140 and I GOT HELLA GAINS! lmfao but they quickly went away after the 5th week as my mental state was FUCKING TRASH! lol
I heard tren makes you sleep like three hours a night. I seen my bodybuilder friend again today. He looks like a walking zombie, his eyes are in the back of his head. Doesn’t look good. I mean he is huge but dunno, something off with his demeanour.
I heard tren makes you sleep like three hours a night. I seen my bodybuilder friend again today. He looks like a walking zombie, his eyes are in the back of his head. Doesn’t look good. I mean he is huge but dunno, something off with his demeanour.
also dont forget the mental sides
I heard tren makes you sleep like three hours a night. I seen my bodybuilder friend again today. He looks like a walking zombie, his eyes are in the back of his head. Doesn’t look good. I mean he is huge but dunno, something off with his demeanour.
but in my personal opinion i got 3 tren ace from a super reputable source here. But i am so not interested in the sides that 19-nors have on the over all mental i probably will never ever us them.. Shit Rad 140 and LGD only cycle had my mental state FUCKED! like it was good all the way until week 5 but then i was ready to fucking murder ppl anyone and everyone. So i just use Primo E. and sust and Peptides like IPA and CJC was thinking of HGH when i get my ducks in a row so i can just order like a years worth up front as its best long term. But you should check those out man. And like Most people here i will just say ORAL AAS is bullshit. Great for busting PRs. but risk Vs Reward it doesnt really balance unless your going olympia or for your PRo card
so i just gotta say this I ran RAD-140 and I GOT HELLA GAINS! lmfao but they quickly went away after the 5th week as my mental state was FUCKING TRASH! lol
RAD140 is the tren of the SARMs

huge gains, hugely unhealthy, makes me bizarrely horny, magnet for crazy chicks, last cycle I was setting up something with a girl who wanted to participate in dark rituals to be possessed by a demon

first time I had a random girl out of the blue come to my house at 3 o clock in the middle of the week to fuck was on my last RAD cycle

but ye, not doing that shit again, it's more unhealthy than tren
Is tren really that powerful? From what I’ve read it virtually does the same thing as other steroids except that its only use should be contest prep due to how bad it messes with your health.
Tbh idk as it’s very subjective and there haven’t been many actual human studies (apart from bbers but we always were the first to try shit out, like Arnold n michalik trying to inject drained monkey glands n shit like that so I do fw that experimental aspect but it isn’t exactly a science as it’s very anecdotal). But specifically Tren I think it’s mostly become a meme due to the fkin idiots on Reddit n TikTok just spouting shit they read online, all of this was started when GH15 used to talk bout how magical it was on em forums back in the day n imo most people who ain’t actually experts are running it just to say they are or cos they think it’s some magical type of sauce, but I repeat most people ik either love it or fkin hate it n it’s mostly good for contest prep as it’s a dry compound but not being any human grade trenbolone it’s kinda iffy as if so many people should actually be using it, imo most people who aren’t pros should avoid tren, insulin n hgh n stick to the basics like test n an oral or stuff like deca etc… but since all this natty or not bs is making people think everyone is running insane amounts of gear imo too many jump on shit early cos they read online that their favourite athlete/IG personality is on that (without actually knowing that they are smh)
RAD140 is the tren of the SARMs

huge gains, hugely unhealthy, makes me bizarrely horny, magnet for crazy chicks, last cycle I was setting up something with a girl who wanted to participate in dark rituals to be possessed by a demon

first time I had a random girl out of the blue come to my house at 3 o clock in the middle of the week to fuck was on my last RAD cycle

but ye, not doing that shit again, it's more unhealthy than tren
Oh no bro don’t be doing that shit with em witch gyals they are fkin insane, ok the sex is amazing but fr bro watch out they the typa chick to cut you open while u sleep or try to make a voodoo doll out of yo hair ahah
Oh no bro don’t be doing that shit with em witch gyals they are fkin insane, ok the sex is amazing but fr bro watch out they the typa chick to cut you open while u sleep or try to make a voodoo doll out of yo hair ahah
Wtf is RAD 140? Never heard of that stuff, is it good? I mean it rings a bell but I’ve never actually seen anyone ever use that stuff.
Wtf is RAD 140? Never heard of that stuff, is it good? I mean it rings a bell but I’ve never actually seen anyone ever use that stuff.
It’s a SARM that’s supposedly one of the more powerful ones from what I’ve come across. Can’t say I’ve ever done deep research into SARMs. I’m only familiar with very surface level knowledge of them
I usually just run 300-500mg of test and 20mg turinabol it’s all I ever really used. My juicehead friend at the gym who I’ve known for a few years said that I would be better off using 100mg of test and stacking it with deca/tren/dianabol or anadrol. Basically he said testosterone was virtually useless but I’ve seen decent gains with it and not much side effects. I don’t know who to believe when it comes to gear, everyone has different opinions. The guy is enormous so he must be doing something right, must be like 260lbs.

The example he used was that 300mg of test and deca would be far better than running 750mg of just test.

100mg of test is much better.
Wtf is RAD 140? Never heard of that stuff, is it good? I mean it rings a bell but I’ve never actually seen anyone ever use that stuff.
I’ve read bout it n people on Reddit n IG seem to enjoy that shit but tbh it’s a research chemical SARM that n LGD (Ligandrol) are touted as ‘safer alternatives to roids’ but the truth is nobody knows shit about the long term effects n they are nowhere near safe plus they’re suppressive so at that point idk why anyone would do em unless they have a test base n seem to be able to source that but not other anabolics, cos yeah I’m sure they work but there haven’t been many human trials with most of em n the effects seem like some mix of pro hormones n random shit so it’s very individual dependent n not safe at all which at that point I repeat might as well run test n dbol/var/anadrol/deca/superdrol/etc…

TLDR: it’s a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) n it’s mostly an unknown rc that teens use cos they saw it on TikTok, you ain’t missing out on much brotha there’s a reason the good stuff is usually always the same n it’s been researched for waaayyy longer than these sarm bs ass things, doesn’t mean they don’t work but some have worse sides than actual anabolics n they have only done minimal human studies so yeah fk the tldr is as long as the post ahah ooops
You know how you can tell experienced AAS users from those that are not? Experienced guys who have practical experience and academic knowledge don’t talk in absolutes.

Tren has its place.

It is exceptionally good at what it does. I have stated this before. The problem is people have ZERO understanding of the compound and don’t know where it shines.

I’m not going to go in depth on something that has been discussed ad nauseam recently. However, I will say Tren is almost never going to be … I would dare say for 99.9% of lifters… the base compound.

I would also argue that 95% of AAS users really have no viable use for it.

I have used it for years successfully and found through self education and experience that other compounds will glean better results with less challenge for me and the vast majority of lifters.
You know how you can tell experienced AAS users from those that are not? Experienced guys who have practical experience and academic knowledge don’t talk in absolutes.

Tren has its place.

It is exceptionally good at what it does. I have stated this before. The problem is people have ZERO understanding of the compound and don’t know where it shines.

I’m not going to go in depth on something that has been discussed ad nauseam recently. However, I will say Tren is almost never going to be … I would dare say for 99.9% of lifters… the base compound.

I would also argue that 95% of AAS users really have no viable use for it.

I have used it for years successfully and found through self education and experience that other compounds will glean better results with less challenge for me and the vast majority of lifters.

Well said. I hate tren because of other reasons, but it does what it's supposed to do. That's why I still include it sometimes.
I usually just run 300-500mg of test and 20mg turinabol it’s all I ever really used. My juicehead friend at the gym who I’ve known for a few years said that I would be better off using 100mg of test and stacking it with deca/tren/dianabol or anadrol. Basically he said testosterone was virtually useless but I’ve seen decent gains with it and not much side effects. I don’t know who to believe when it comes to gear, everyone has different opinions. The guy is enormous so he must be doing something right, must be like 260lbs.

The example he used was that 300mg of test and deca would be far better than running 750mg of just test.
Your friend is clueless.