JY Pharma

Look at you, a la Readalot/Ghoul style.
Good of you for keeping the crusade going.
Ghoul will be proud.
Let's see if at least some of it is embraced.
If people push for it, as you say; will they?
Big difference, those two are just loud mouths who don’t do anything for the cause. Dirthand and everyone who send their gear for tests and share their results are actually helping out in harm reduction.

Plus, if we recall Jano mentioned that he has been testing for heavy metals before as requested and haven’t found anything worth mentioning so they stopped checking.
Big difference, those two are just loud mouths who don’t do anything for the cause. Dirthand and everyone who send their gear for tests and share their results are actually helping out in harm reduction.

Plus, if we recall Jano mentioned that he has been testing for heavy metals before as requested and haven’t found anything worth mentioning so they stopped checking.

D and I always have a joke.
He already knows what I think about what he is doing.

I was just pointing to the fact that he has developed an interest in ideas that were put out there (which, as you say, were not acted upon) and incorporated those into what is doing now.
So it all gets contextualised and it will validate his efforts, brilliantly.
Seeing what he is doing may also push other people into testing what they make (Spiff being another awesome example of showing this).
But you are right.
Theory and ideas mean nothing without practice and context.
And D's work is the perfect example of harm reduction in practical terms.

