Keeping LH and FSH in range on TRT? Is it possible?


Hey everyone, this question is for those on TRT. As we all know while on TRT or on a cycle our LH and FSH is suppressed but Is there anyway to keeping your FSH and LH levels at a normal level while on trt? I heard that HCG is not enough for that.
Inject hmg hcg or hcg fsh
Those are analogues... it doesn't increase those levels...

Hey everyone, this question is for those on TRT. As we all know while on TRT or on a cycle our LH and FSH is suppressed but Is there anyway to keeping your FSH and LH levels at a normal level while on trt? I heard that HCG is not enough for that.
Your HPTA is shutdown.... it's not releasing those hormones..
I have 0 evidence to prove this, but I have a memory of an interview with Ronnie Coleman’s doctor and coach saying he maintained functioning LH/FSH during his steroid cycles. I’m hoping someone else has seen the video it’s old and hard to find. I believe in rare cases LH/FSH can be in range even after negative feedback to the HPTA, seriously if anyone else knows what I’m talking about link the video if you can find it.
The only way to do that is a gnrh analogue like triptorelin but the receptors can easily get damaged. You have to always take a drug to reverse the negative feedback loop.
Hey everyone, this question is for those on TRT. As we all know while on TRT or on a cycle our LH and FSH is suppressed but Is there anyway to keeping your FSH and LH levels at a normal level while on trt? I heard that HCG is not enough for that.
Those are analogues... it doesn't increase those levels...

Your HPTA is shutdown.... it's not releasing those hormones..

Yes, it can be done. As posters above mentioned already, but it's a PITA. I remember reading somebody on excelmale did it. You'd basically need to retrofit an insulin pump as you need gradual releases through the day.
Yes, it can be done. As posters above mentioned already, but it's a PITA. I remember reading somebody on excelmale did it. You'd basically need to retrofit an insulin pump as you need gradual releases through the day.
Option 1: T Nasal gel, buccal troche, or cream on anus to provide short duration, low peak pulse twice a day. Mileage may vary.

Option 2: here (caution, requires reading and potentially painful thinking)

Neither of these will substitute for the AAS abuse that is sometimes referred to as "TRT".

Hat tip to cataceous as always. Bad bad man.
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