Lab equipment-am I missing anything?


New Member
So from my reasearch iv compiled a list of various items that I may or may not need when brewing oils. For some reason I can't wrap my head around capping orals and filler content and what not so I am not moving in that direction yet. But for oils, correct me if I'm wrong, I'll need:

100ml BB (or how ever much needed )
Gallon of carrier oil. I'm thinking of trying MCT or GSO. Those seem to be popular.
Scale accurate to the .01
a magnetic stirring heating plate
2x250ml Beaker's or flasks.
A 60ml syringe (or relevant sized )
Syringe filters .22 microns
Or a Buchner filter kit with a vacuum hand pump, plastic tube, and paper filters
As many sterile vials as you plan to fill
(I don't think I'll get the stoppers and crimp my own to start, maybe later on if it's cheaper and easier)
A couple syringes and extra needle tips.

Am I missing anything?
I think that's all I'll need right?

Is it better to start with syringe filters depending on amount or go straigh into vacuum pump or other assisted filtration methods.
I have that as "optional" in my notebook. I just figured I'd add it in. Itd be just as easy to use a hot water bath if needed and a glass stir rod.
You've covered all the basic needs, it's a solid list. I would throw out the magnetic stir plate just to save on funds.
Agreed, unnecessary.

I would buy a laser thermometer if you wish to heat the gear during the dissolving process, as to not let it get too hot. I use mine a lot.

I would have plenty of 20g needles. Some 10cc and 50/60cc syringes. Isopropyl alcohol and distilled water for cleaning the glass when you're done. Buy more syringes that you think you'll need, just inc ase you drop a plunger or something, and can't continue to use it.

Personally, I prefer the single use vacuum filter set ups, like the millipores or foxx autofills... $13 or so, and easy to use. Just chuck when done.

I like to have plastic wrap, paper towels and rubber bands used exclusively for this. I use wrap over the beakers while the solutions is dissolving, so the rubber bands help. The paper towels are nice to know they haven't been used in a dirty kitchen, or whatever.

I like to use the little dixie cups for weighing out my powders, but you can buy the little trays that are used specifically for this, personal preference.

Also, some gallon ziploc bags for storing things in for the next time.

I bought a little heat plate at Target, think like one you'd use in a dorm to boil water, for dissolving my powders on "warm".

Just outline the process in your head, like I did... That's how I came up with the pieces I'd add for you.
Agreed, unnecessary.

I would buy a laser thermometer if you wish to heat the gear during the dissolving process, as to not let it get too hot. I use mine a lot.

I would have plenty of 20g needles. Some 10cc and 50/60cc syringes. Isopropyl alcohol and distilled water for cleaning the glass when you're done. Buy more syringes that you think you'll need, just inc ase you drop a plunger or something, and can't continue to use it.

Personally, I prefer the single use vacuum filter set ups, like the millipores or foxx autofills... $13 or so, and easy to use. Just chuck when done.

I like to have plastic wrap, paper towels and rubber bands used exclusively for this. I use wrap over the beakers while the solutions is dissolving, so the rubber bands help. The paper towels are nice to know they haven't been used in a dirty kitchen, or whatever.

I like to use the little dixie cups for weighing out my powders, but you can buy the little trays that are used specifically for this, personal preference.

Also, some gallon ziploc bags for storing things in for the next time.

I bought a little heat plate at Target, think like one you'd use in a dorm to boil water, for dissolving my powders on "warm".

Just outline the process in your head, like I did... That's how I came up with the pieces I'd add for you.

That's some great info brotha. Thank you. I never would have thought to cover the beakers letting it dissolve. That brilliant lmao and greatly appreciated
That's some great info brotha. Thank you. I never would have thought to cover the beakers letting it dissolve. That brilliant lmao and greatly appreciated
Also, don't add the BA until RIGHT before filtering. I have a fear of it evaporating while the mixture is warming. I poke 2 or 3 holes in the seran wrap with a needle before I put it on the hot plate, too.

Add powder to beaker -> add BB and let dissolve as much as it can -> add carrier oil -> place on warm hot plate-> dissolve -> add BA -> into filter -> into sterile container -> into 60ml syringe -> sterile vials should be your process. If doing more than 50mls, I use a new 60ml syringe for each "refill" just in case that plunger or the walls of the syringe become contaminated. Also, make sure the damn needle and cap are on the syringe before you fill it from the sterile container. You'll make that mistake once when 10ml quickly run through to the ground...
That's some great info brotha. Thank you. I never would have thought to cover the beakers letting it dissolve. That brilliant lmao and greatly appreciated
PM me if you want when you have all the stuff and we can go over the process to avoid any major hiccups.

Do you know what you're gonna brew?
PM me if you want when you have all the stuff and we can go over the process to avoid any major hiccups.

Do you know what you're gonna brew?
It may be a little before I begin. I'm gonna be ordering the supplies soon but I want to find a source. Iv got a few in mind that iv heard good things about. But I'll probably just start with test e. It's the easiest iv read and should give me a good grasp on the process. Then I'll probably move onto other long esters and then short esters.

Thank you so much for all the help. What you posted is gold.
Just a quick glance, you'll need a lot more bb than you will ba. like 18 times more.

lol I like that figure.
But yea I know. I just through numbers in for the sake of the list and can get 100ml bottles of each.
I probably will only be attempting 20-40ml as a first run so I'll only be needing one bottle to start
Not yet but it's gonna be around 150. Depends on how much glassware I buy. I might add extras in case I'm stupid and break them.i actually just broke my last vials for hcg and now I'm waiting for more to arrive in the mail. So I got a Fucking syringe full of hcg chilling in my fridge right now...
Ha. Let me know. somehow I imagined it being more.
I thought it was gonna be more expensive too. I feel like I'm not taking into account something major.
I'm also not adding the vacuum pump and filter set up. I just used syringe filters for now. So that is keeping the price lower
Agreed, unnecessary.

I would buy a laser thermometer if you wish to heat the gear during the dissolving process, as to not let it get too hot. I use mine a lot.

I would have plenty of 20g needles. Some 10cc and 50/60cc syringes. Isopropyl alcohol and distilled water for cleaning the glass when you're done. Buy more syringes that you think you'll need, just inc ase you drop a plunger or something, and can't continue to use it.

Personally, I prefer the single use vacuum filter set ups, like the millipores or foxx autofills... $13 or so, and easy to use. Just chuck when done.

I like to have plastic wrap, paper towels and rubber bands used exclusively for this. I use wrap over the beakers while the solutions is dissolving, so the rubber bands help. The paper towels are nice to know they haven't been used in a dirty kitchen, or whatever.

I like to use the little dixie cups for weighing out my powders, but you can buy the little trays that are used specifically for this, personal preference.

Also, some gallon ziploc bags for storing things in for the next time.

I bought a little heat plate at Target, think like one you'd use in a dorm to boil water, for dissolving my powders on "warm".

Just outline the process in your head, like I did... That's how I came up with the pieces I'd add for you.
another good idea is to use a incubator for lab work. Generally about $400.... it accurately heats anything to an exact temperature without being off 15 degrees off like conventional ovens


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