Lab testing out of state

ThE SiCkNeSs

Well-known Member
10+ Year Member
I am from a state where you cannot get labs online. A few members here recommended I get passport and buy the bloodwork online and enter a false address. That way if I get carded the passport doesn't say where you live, it only says where your born. Well when I try to pay for the labs with my credit card it says the zip code doesn't match my credit card, and if I put my zip code it says I'm from a state that won't allow me to get blood work w/o a script. Anyone know a way around this?
Can you buy a Visa Vanilla gift card and use that to pay? That way, the link between card and zip wouldn't be an issue.

I have used those cards to make purchases from websites when I didn't trust that website/company to have my card info that linked to my bank account. Under those circumstances, I never had an issue ordering using those Visa gift cards.

I am almost positive that I have used those GC's to order lab tests before.
I just bought one, I guess I'll see, my credit card got shut down due to possible fraudulent activity cause of this. Now I got to call the bank. It didn't say billing address, it just said address, I figured a lot of people have a different billing address and p.o boxes for billing. Wtf
Vanilla Visa card worked just had my blood drawn. wow that was easy, I don't know why we don't get way more blood test done on here. I will admit I was nervous about it, she didn't even ask for my ID and I was in and out in five minutes.
Vanilla Visa card worked just had my blood drawn. wow that was easy, I don't know why we don't get way more blood test done on here. I will admit I was nervous about it, she didn't even ask for my ID and I was in and out in five minutes.

Those Visa GC's are a good option for stuff like this, where your billing addy needs to match for whatever reason.

Another benefit is that if someone hacks your payment info, the MOST they can charge to you is whatever the remaining balance is on the GC.

I use them for online payment frequently, when I am unfamiliar with the company/seller.

Credit/debit card theft is an enormous problem right now. We give our CC info to SO MANY different vendors and merchants that it is accessible to so many people.

Glad it worked for you, Sickness!
You paid and got bloodwork all in a day? I am also from a state which i cannot order bloodwork. Have never gone this route before and looks like a good option in between doc visits.

So. Order online. Go to different state to draw blood. They wont ask for id. Get blood drawn. Do not want to drive 2 hrs and something come up. Sound about right?
I'm 10minutes from the state I got my bloods drawn from. Go to cvs and buy a prepaid visa vanilla card. Make sure it says no registration required. I bought the female hormone panel with ms testosterone which gives values over 1500 from labsmd for $73. I made up an address from that state and used my real name. It takes 10 minutes from the time you pay till you get the lab requisition papers. Then you just go to the lab. No appt. necessary.


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