[Labmax] Superior Labs - Test E

It looks like there is some greenish blue in there which is good. Was it a distinct glow? I would say test e is present based off the pic. Also thanks for posting!
Almost impossible to say. Your camera is obviously color correcting the heck out of the images, unless your fingers glow purple IRL.

And I'm a little skeptical on the light.. Are you sure it's 365nm? What is it?

I see you've got the Labmax tray, you baller.

With what we see here, it looks like a pass. I'll leave the determination of the degree to which it passes to others.
Yea the pictures are pretty shitty... It definitely had a slight blue-green glow at first, then changed to orange real quick. Nothing worth writing home about lol but I MIGHT pin it and get bloods later on... I'm mostly waiting for Boiler's test results to come back on the Bayer Test before I start anything.

Haha yea man, the tray is what makes it work.
you can see the blue - greenish, it is pass.

but as far as I remember superior did not have the best quality, you need to inject more to feel it.
Yea we'll see... I know a few months ago people were getting close to x10 TT on his test, but recently it's been bleak...
At 500 a week his test e put me at ~3300 with high estro. I bumped it to 750 for the following two weeks and lowered my e2, bloods showed ~3900. After that I just ran it at a gram a week for the remaining few weeks of my cycle.
Thanks for sharing. I would run a higher dosage if you use it. Then if it's dosed light you won't waste your cycle. If it's dosed properly, then your cycle will be even better lol. Let us know what you decide.
Ive been on superiors test e(800mg/week, 400mg monday/400thursday) along with 50mg a day of his dbol. Starting weight was at 248, yesterday post workout I was 258 so up 10lbs in 2 weeks with cardio being in 3-4x a week. Whether its under dosed or not, im not sure but as far as sex drive and gains its definitely working. The only other thing I have it to compare to is biotech pharmaclinicio which I also have on hand ill be running later this year.
Probably a little late but i stopped using it. Awful pip with test e. I switched to biotech and so far smooth sailing. The dbol was either bunk or underdosed ive never done dbol but 2 weeks in and nothing to write home about
I recently quit using superior's test Cyp. I do t have bloods, but a few weeks after changing from one batch to another I lost nearly ten pounds, my lifts were all way down, and my mood was crap. Dropped the Cyp, went with another sources prop. Weight back up and lifts almost back to normal. Pretty sure the latest batch of Cyp I got was bunk.
did you guys contact superior. i used him once, thought it was weak, never tried him again