Labs on Tsl Test Cyp and Pd's Greys


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So I've been cruising on Tsl's test cyp for a month now at 1cc a week (250mg every monday) I got a capped test because I've never hit over 1500 on a cruise dose so very happy with the results wish I had gotten an uncapped test. Also shot 10 iu's platinum directs hgh IM 3 hours before blood draw.
Thank you for sharing your blood results my friend. Glad you are pleased as well with the results.
@Docd187123 Yeah haven't noticed any sides typically associated with high estrogen. Also read estrogen can be a good thing while on cycle but not sure if there is a reference range or it varies based on the individual

Nothing out of the ordinary no.

Estradiol does have a reference range on blood work but I typically keep an eye on it without taking any AI. If I were to become symptomatic than I would add in some adex.