Lat injury help


New Member
Hi guys,

I Have had a lat injury which i suspect was a tear back in September doing seated rows when i increased the weight from my usual 75kgs to the full stack as in 150kg, and repped out 15 reps without a sweat, the rest of working sets before it was also super intense with the lat pulldowns etc all being more than usual, I was preparing for a competition with my friend.

Since then i had reinjured it like 4 times and sustained other injuries due to the imbalances, the ones remaining are bursitis in right shoulder, left shoulder injured possibly strained, right proximal hamstring tear.

Anyway, right now i reinjured it again doing straight arm pushdowns with the band, and my symptoms got much worse than initially, the injury seriousness went from 2/10 to 4-5/10 in my opinion. I feel the most likely reason is it was always serious but i had heaps of muscle to makeup for the weak muscle before which isn't the case anymore, i lost 3.7 inches on the injured side arm and 15kg muscle since last September.

My symptoms after the band pushdoens were 3/10 tearing pain after bending which stopped happening 4 days after the injury, slight instability standing and sitting like 0.5/10 which was also getting better. Pain sleeping on it.

Then 1 week after i reinjured it i went to the physio who did what felt like a deep tissue massage and an hour or so after i felt this tearing and burning pain that was about 8-9/10 which was way more than it ever was before. I have 4/10 pain not only after bending but while bending, the pain moved from just the right most side near my arm to radiating throughout my entire right lat all the way to the bottom like as if the tear spread down or something. The instability of my torso increased to 4-5/10 and it feels like my torso is caving in to the right side, i got nausea now which i didnt have before after eating it increases. Luckily after 3 days the continuous pain went but the rest of the symptoms are still there. I think i felt a bit of shortness of breath last night too. It feels like that massage increased the seriousness of the injury to 8-9/10 now...
The most worrying thing is the weakness of my torso and the nausea, im thinking the weakened muscle is not holding it all in place like its supposed to since its a large muscle supporting almost everything in the uppertorso region. Possibly due to the lack of support from lat, I think maybe it could be causing my old umbilical hernia to be not supported as it would be if lat was at full strength, eventhough it was good before for 4 months since i reinjured it.
so i am hoping to know if anyone has any experience on this and if so im hoping to get a prognosis on being able to get back into lifting. My 1RMs were 150kg bench press 170kg squat 200kg bench press 60kg db bench 48kg db shoulder press... now i can barely get away with 1kg on any upperbody stuff and alot of day to day activity.. i am seriously worried of my ability to get back into the gym if this lat injury ends up causing damage to my spine like ronnie, cause that one is irreversible.. and ribs from the new potential severe imbalances. Does anyone have experience with this or knows someone who does and has gotten back to full strength or near full strength.
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btw here is a picture of where it is swelling, seems to have shown its first ever sign of swelling after I applied a heat pack and tried out doing some strengthening exercise as rows, although I am fairly certain the heat did the revealing. And just for reference here is my lat pic just before my lat injury last September in one of my natty peak forms.. so yeah lost a fair bit and look like a new person lol.. wish I took the roids before these injuries to see where it could have taken me


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I am going thru something similar but with the triceps long head tendon.
Have you went to the doctor for an MRI? Maybe you have a tendon tear that needs surgery to fix it.
Good progress from the baseline. Go get it checked by professionals. Even if somebody has enough knowledge here they can't tell you anything conclusive until they examine your injury. Seek medical attention.
I am going thru something similar but with the triceps long head tendon.
Have you went to the doctor for an MRI? Maybe you have a tendon tear that needs surgery to fix it.
I am very hopeful that won't be the case but if at all possible I would opt for the conservative option.

I revisited the physio, but another staff member, who thinks it's just pain from weak muscles and thinks a high impact force would be needed to damage it.
I feel that would be the case if it was a little stretching on the tendon like a grade 1 strain... but this was freshly retorn, so like paper that is partly torn already would be very easy to rip from the point and make a bigger tear. I mean if recently just 1kg is enough to reinjure me.. im sure manual manipulation would have 1kg+ force and applied directly onto the tendon.
I am trying to recover from a partial tear for 7 months. Bpc157 and TB500 seems to help. But surgery is more and more in my thoughts.
It's bad to have a few months of recovery but also sucks not to be able to train properly. Hard to make a choice.
Good progress from the baseline. Go get it checked by professionals. Even if somebody has enough knowledge here they can't tell you anything conclusive until they examine your injury. Seek medical attention.
Like he said, get seen by a dr asap. I would be bugging for a MRI.

I have somthing similar my left arm and entire left lat atrophied, from a herniated cervical disc an spinal cord injury. My arm seems to be coming back pretty good but my lat is staying shrunk I'm still working on it. I'm opting out of surgery for now because my surgeon said I'm a stud an been showing alot of progress, he said as long as u can flex and extend a muscle it can grow back.
I am trying to recover from a partial tear for 7 months. Bpc157 and TB500 seems to help. But surgery is more and more in my thoughts.
It's bad to have a few months of recovery but also sucks not to be able to train properly. Hard to make a choice.
That's rough too, I had to go down on my training since lat injury in September (8 months) last year to 75% and back to 25%, until November when I got my shoulder injuries I went down to 10% on everything.. then in February got shoulder bursitis and went down to bands only.. now this lat issue that got exacerbated, and I'm down to only stick raises lying down and wall climbs with fingers to rehab shoulder.
Luckily my hamstrings injury allow me to walk and horizontal leg press 50kg still, so legs have maintained slightly more than upper.

I am keen to try the tb500 and bpc 157, although still a bit afraid of injection version which is said to be more effective.. afraid if I hit a nerve it could cause my body to jump up and re-injure something lol.

I got some Oxandrolone coming too, so will use that as my first cycle using Orals for 4 weeks and see how it goes, 3-4 weeks off.

If it goes well then do another anavar cycle, it should be about 4 months passed. Then I will try my deca and test stack, later possibly introduce GH and increase dosage of test and decca too.
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Like he said, get seen by a dr asap. I would be bugging for a MRI.

I have somthing similar my left arm and entire left lat atrophied, from a herniated cervical disc an spinal cord injury. My arm seems to be coming back pretty good but my lat is staying shrunk I'm still working on it. I'm opting out of surgery for now because my surgeon said I'm a stud an been showing alot of progress, he said as long as u can flex and extend a muscle it can grow back.
Oh dam that sounds serious, I went to the dr who said to find a specialist they can give me a referral to visit yesterday, procrastinated but after hearing this I think I will get onto it asap. I think also best to find the problems now incase the lat created secondary complications.

What sort of extension was he referring to, like arm abduction/adduction or bending down..

I read some case study of someone with a more deformed lat that returned to day to day after 3 months, and full sport activity except muscle ups after 6 months, and the ones that needed surgery could not move their arm because it was too painful to do so, so maybe I won't need it.. I am thinking my problem was not staying away from aggravating exercises like straight arm pull downs, lat pulldowns, bent over rows completely for at least 6-12 months, so I am hopeful I can recover enough through conservative treatment so I can test this theory out, just build my horizontal rows back from 2.5kg per hand to 50kg per hand before doing anything that causes any discomfort.
ok so I think I found the instability is likely an intercoastal strain, seems these can take a few days for minor cases but otherwise 8 weeks, since its already been a few days I think I will be 8 weeks. The 5/10 weakness went to 3/10 after 3 days but seems to be constant at that since, but goes to 4/10 whenever it flares up like if I trained back or something, for a few hours, I guess its not damage according to the physio but just the muscle angry a little, I guess it will be like this for 8 weeks I think, but she did say it could be longer due to my other injuries.

Does anyone have a lat amd/or intercoastal muscle strain that would recommend doing internal and external rotations.

I went to yet another physio that recommended it too, but I feel the strength test was unreasonable to push me to put max effort in testing my external rotation strength since rehab strength testing is supposed to be 7/10 according to chat gpt, I was trying not to go too hard I used a 5-6/10 effort.. but I felt pushed into trying harder, they kept saying harder harder harder, is that all you got.. and now my delt is sore but hopefully not too bad, and will resolve tomorrow.

4 physios have given me bad advice or did something to make my injuries worse.. should I try to treat this myself.