Any tips to help with exertion headaches?


Lately I've been getting severe exertion headaches, especially with leg excercises. I've been making sure to drink as much water as possible and been using electrolyte supps before and intra workout, my sleep is good.
The worst is with Hack squat and Leg press, sometime when I still push trough the set the headache ends up lasting for 4-8hours after the workout is over, or I get 1set of hack squats in then I have to go lie down on a bench for 10-15min. I get them whenever I hold my breath but I can't breathe normally during heavy squats and deadlifts. Even if I hold my breath while at rest I get them. Any tips? I am not on anything that could be causing this.
Have you tried not holding your breath?

Have you tried relaxing for a second or two at the top, taking a couple breaths, and then resuming?
Have you tried not holding your breath?

Have you tried relaxing for a second or two at the top, taking a couple breaths, and then resuming?
yeah I usually try to, but when I get to those last 2-3reps I have to valsalva to get the rep and in just a second or two of straining while holding my breath I get a pretty bad headache and it doesn't go away for a while
it's been happening for about a month. my blood pressure is fine
im not sure man, i think these things are kind of a mystery to doctors even, continuing to train is definately going to prolong the problem. Take a week off and do some higher rep isolations and see if it comes back.
I used to get this when straining hard.

I had to work to relax my neck and everywhere else when, for example, working my legs, and just concentrate on using the muscles I am actually working and not tensing up so much everywhere.

On leg press, I still pause my set for a second or two at least once about three quarters of the way through and take a couple breaths to let that "OMG MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE" feeling diminish just a bit.

This seems to have worked.

For a while there I thought I was going to have an aneurysm.
Definitely work to control breathing and look at any changes in supps.
Hydration needs to be on point. On my bigger lift days (which is most) I drink Karbolyn and EAAs during the workout.
Take longer breaks especially before that last blow out set.

I still have to focus on breathing after damn near 30 years in the gym. As I got older the shit became more and more important which required more and more focus. I would get light headed and damn near pass out. It still gets dicey.
I used to have a normal occurrence of those. When I push too hard.

And I’ll tell you right now, it’s your blood pressure/heart pounding as you’re lifting hard. Your blood vessels are expanding and as you clench, hold your breath, and or push too hard. That all gives you the exertion headache. And depending on how you are & the situation.
Pounding just straight water won’t help because you’re lacking in specific electrolytes from sweating / working hard / lack of hydration at some point.

Anddddd If you’re not on any supplements/meds that raise your body’s potassium level. Do this

“No Salt” it’s a salt substitute that’s salty but contains no sodium. Instead it’s potassium. And a lot of it. Throw a little of it in your pre or something. with a pinch of salt.
This helps 9.5/10 times for me. And many others.

Proper electrolyte balance and being HYDRATED plays a huge role in all of this.

And obviously don’t fucking clench so hard.
You’re pushing the limits as you lift. That’s awesome. Good shit! but it happens

Fix these issues and you’ll prob be good.