Letro side effect???


New Member
So I had a small lump appear on my left nipple because I got some BS research chems anyways lesson learned but I started taking letro at 2.5mg ed to try and get the lump down and yes unfortunately it is a research chemical as well but it'll have to do until my pharma shit gets here. But since I've started it when I'm doing a set and straining I get like pins and needles on my scalp and neck, like an itchy sensation. Has anyone else ever experienced this? This is the only thing I have changed aND I'm only on sustanon 300 2x a week. Thx for any help meso.
Does it feel like a sensation where things are crawling under your skin? As in the scalp/head area?
Letro at that dose can cause dry skin as well as many other neg sides. Dry scalp may be causing that feeling. I had a large lump under nipple awhile back and took half that dose1.25 Ed for a few weeks with excellent results. Lump disappeared. 2.5 mg ed with most likely destroy your sex drive and kill your joints. I don't take any chances now. I always run an ai while on cycle. Usually arimidex .5 mg eod. Good luck!
Long ago I had the same symptom of pins and needles in my scalp and forehead. Went to the doc and was informed it was from my blood pressure being high.