Liberty Labs Test C Bloodwork (I was wrong)


500mg of liberty labs test c 250 split in to two injections per week. Bloodwork was taken 48hrs after injection.
So my TT is 2161 ng/dl , even worse response than HL.
And I doubt they are both underdosed so I think I just dont respond well to MCT.
Also I found out why I dont feel good anymore its beacuse of low SHBG.
So I want to apologize to HL and to the people that I said were retarded its just frustrating that something worked great but It doesnt anymore , thats why Im deciding to PCT off and hopefully regain my natural test and never look back at AAS.
Dude .. controle your estradiol... Retard
According to the latest available customer test HL test e 300 ist 8 below Label claim
Dude .. controle your estradiol... Retard
According to the latest available customer test HL test e 300 ist 8 below Label claim
Are you new here or are you just dumb ? Its all about ratio between TT and E2 its suposse to be 5% of your TT which it is so my E2 is fine , also having higher e2 is better than lower. Yeah ive seen the report I mean 8% is not that bad , I dont think that 8% rly matters or you will feel the difference I would still have below 5x response from it anyway so Its the mct oil it has less pip but its less effective (atleast for me). I also suspect Liberty labs is like 230mg not 250mg , its still within the 10% range tho so not a big problem but they could add a little bit more raws there to compensate for it but its pretty cheap anyway so its fine ig.
Ok. Then continue to feel like shit. Have fun idiot

More estradiol will result in more igfbp and lowers your HGH sensitivity/secretion
Ok. Then continue to feel like shit. Have fun idiot

More estradiol will result in more igfbp and lowers your HGH sensitivity/secretion
Bro whats your problem ? I lowered my dose to 180mg anyway that puts me at 800ng/dl so I dont have to worry about e2 anyways. Crashed e2 is worse than high e2 I told you.
Bro whats your problem ? I lowered my dose to 180mg anyway that puts me at 800ng/dl so I dont have to worry about e2 anyways. Crashed e2 is worse than high e2 I told you.
Nobody is talking to crash estradiol.
Stupid bro signs to promote supra physiologic estradiol levels in men as beneficial.

You wondering why you feel bad, blaming several labs to be bunk based on more than questionable blood results.
Then you apologize and post blood's with estradiol double the reference and shbg IN reference but in the lower quarter. The only interpretation from you is shbg as root cause for your bad feelings.
I just telling you to lower estradiol with with low dose of an ai... For instance a quarter pill of exemestane to see if you feel better. This can be observed within 24h!

But you !expert! change everything now and do pct or low dose or whatever...

Just trying to help but you are in your own movie- good luck retardo
Nobody is talking to crash estradiol.
Stupid bro signs to promote supra physiologic estradiol levels in men as beneficial.

You wondering why you feel bad, blaming several labs to be bunk based on more than questionable blood results.
Then you apologize and post blood's with estradiol double the reference and shbg IN reference but in the lower quarter. The only interpretation from you is shbg as root cause for your bad feelings.
I just telling you to lower estradiol with with low dose of an ai... For instance a quarter pill of exemestane to see if you feel better. This can be observed within 24h!

But you !expert! change everything now and do pct or low dose or whatever...

Just trying to help but you are in your own movie- good luck retardo
I tried low dose adex , this is not my first cycle , while it has helped with acne and so on my libido is actually better on higher e2 and also as I told you its about ratio between TT and e2. So yes I tried lowering e2 and I felt even worse. If you actually watch some video on youtube talking about TRT they say some guys need hcg to have their libido restored and I havent tried that yet so thats what Im going to do. And I want to come off beacuse I dont enjoy bodybuilding I never did I wanted quick results without doing much work and It hasnt worked out the way I wanted to so I would rather go natty than to inject something in my azz and stomach just to feel normal.
The youtube guys also recommend dhea which is absolutely bullshit.
And it is not the ratio between TT and E2. It is dht free test and e2.
You know less than you think. Trust me.
Correct me if i am wrong; to correct SHBG, higher frequency pinning would be best practice.

By correcting SHBG what i mean is it will adjust to its "sweet spot"
The youtube guys also recommend dhea which is absolutely bullshit.
And it is not the ratio between TT and E2. It is dht free test and e2.
You know less than you think. Trust me.
True, according to Danny Bossa a self proclaimed TRT guru, you should not control E2, just let it be as high as it is, it does not matter according to him, the body adapts but yeah take some DHEA, i also feel like crap on that shit
Correct me if i am wrong; to correct SHBG, higher frequency pinning would be best practice.

By correcting SHBG what i mean is it will adjust to its "sweet spot"
His SHBG is perfect, E2 is the problem for sure.
True, according to Danny Bossa a self proclaimed TRT guru, you should not control E2, just let it be as high as it is, it does not matter according to him, the body adapts but yeah take some DHEA, i also feel like crap on that shit
Fuck that clown.