Libido death and erectile dysfunction


New Member

im 28 years old and 170lb. i ran a cycle of winstrol, sustanon and anavar for 8 weeks, i didnt make a PCT at that moment(big mistake)

sustanon 500mg per week
winstrol 150mg per week
anavar 30mg ed

one month later

i took HCG 5000iu every 5 days for 3 weeks (3 shots of 5000iu) with 50mg of clomid ed, 20mg tamoxifen ed and 25mg proviron. and i still having libido death and erectile dysfunction. i did a blood lab, and my strongen was super high 273 and normal range is 40-115 pg/ml.

the dosage of HCG i used was 2 months ago but i still taking tamoxifen, clomid and proviron.

One day my nipples are ok and another they look different, if i press then i can see a little drop of transparent liquid and sometimes hurt me.

ive been with this problem for 2 months, im desperate. what i can do? should i run HCG again? and buy arimidex?

thank you.
For starters you should not run HCG or Proviron during PCT...
If it was me I would just run a light 5 week PCT again. 25mg Clomid and 20mg Nolva.
Arimidex Works wonders for me as i have really high estradiol. I also have high test and im expecting it to become even higher with adex
You mentioned you did a blood lab what were the results of your other levels (Lh, test, SHBG and or free test, and prolactin)

"did a blood lab, and my strongen was super high 273 and normal range is 40-115 pg/ml."

The high estrogen would be affecting your sex drive and erections even if your test levels are high. Very high prolactin can also do the same (and produce breast milk )

The arimidex will bring down the estrogen (u don't want to drop it too low though).

I suspect if your lh and test etc are recovered you may be OK to just run the arimidex to get your estrogen down to normal.
You mentioned you did a blood lab what were the results of your other levels (Lh, test, SHBG and or free test, and prolactin)

The arimidex will bring down the estrogen (u don't want to drop it too low though).

I suspect if your lh and test etc are recovered you may be OK to just run the arimidex to get your estrogen down to normal.

His testosterone wouldn't be ok with that much e2. Estrogen will suppress testosterone more than exogenous testosterone.
My Test level is 42 on the scale and estraidol 166, lh is 40 and fsh 8,5 im guessing how long it will take for my body to bring the estraidol level down whilst on adex?