Lifting for 7 years, 2 years seriously


New Member
I started lifting at 18, and stuck with it consistently for about 6 months before quitting (because I was stupid and lazy). Intermittently since I have gone through 3-6 month spurts of lifting, but mainly was running. About 2 years ago I really began lifting seriously and taking my diet seriously, and have seen some great progress with the consistency. I bulk and cut, and enjoy it both ways. I’m excited to learn more on here because I am considering trt on my next bulk cycle. I know a bit about it from other research, but lack firsthand knowledge and opinions from people. My gym is in a predominately Hispanic area and very few people speak English, so it’s hard to communicate with some of the other members there. My overall goal is to get big and be somewhat lean but not shredded, and I am 6-4 so I want to be a unit lol. I’m about to start a 3 month cut from 250 down to 225 now, and am just going to be looking forward to that bulk the whole time.

If anyone has any advice, I would greatly appreciate it