Can anyone refer or link any vids/articles/literature on the differences (pharmacokinetics & toxicity) between taking usually oral compounds and injecting them. Seems to be a school of thought that they are less liver toxic when brewed up as Injectables, however I always assumed even when injected your liver still sees the same load on "2nd pass" metabolism.
Derek mpmd did a video describing sdrol and it's far more potent orally VS injecting (he theorized orally creates different metabolites then injecting it) but doesn't go into the toxicity differences.
Do you actually save yourself any liver or organ stress by bypassing 1st pass liver breakdown of oral steroids?
Derek mpmd did a video describing sdrol and it's far more potent orally VS injecting (he theorized orally creates different metabolites then injecting it) but doesn't go into the toxicity differences.
Do you actually save yourself any liver or organ stress by bypassing 1st pass liver breakdown of oral steroids?