Long Cycle - Little/No Recovery Period??


New Member
My last round of gear was a pretty long cycle. It was a 12 week test cycle, 4 week 250test cruise, then for ~20 weeks I was experimenting with test, tren, npp, and adrol. I just got off and was running 500test/wk and 600npp for around 8 weeks before this. I got off to let my body recover and I started to thin at my temples.

Anyway I've essentially been "shut down" for 6-9 months. My last pin was around 11/24, which is nearly 30 days ago. I was planning on tapering down as needed as I find this method way better FOR ME. So far I have not pinned anything since I've stopped as i've felt great. The only thing I've notice is a loss in strength, and a small loss in libido and ability to get hard. The hardness is not an issue as I still get hard very easily. It's just I don't pitch a tent every small gust and I don't feel like I need to bust a nut every hour. Also my back acne has cleared up very well.

So what the hell is up? Is it possible that I recover extremely quickly. Id imaging the test e is totally gone by thirty days. Even using 3000ng/dl which is unheard of for 500mg/wk, id be down to below 200ng/dl at 30 days. Perhaps I recovered from the natural half life of test e. I am 24. I was planning on cycling off for 3+ months depending on recovery. But if I seem to have not face an issue recovering I might cut that down to two months. Source is Hunter Pharm
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11/24 to now is not even thirty days. Who knows what is left in your system at this point. Start a full pct and run some more bloods in six weeks.

Or be an idiot and we can talk about trt for life in a few months. Your call. Zero disrespect intended.
11/24 to now is not even thirty days. Who knows what is left in your system at this point. Start a full pct and run some more bloods in six weeks.

Or be an idiot and we can talk about trt for life in a few months. Your call. Zero disrespect intended.

I said nearly 30 days. It's 28 days as if the extra two are significant. An 8 year old can do the math on test E half life. ((((3000/2)/2)/2)/2).

I've never done a PCT and have no need. I recover just fine taking just below normal test levels and reducing over a period of time to allow a normal recovery through the negative feedback loop. The following works well FOR ME as I recover and experience no side effects while returning to natural levels.

This time I decided to wait a few weeks before starting my taper. I noticed I had experienced no effects of low-t high e. Which is why I asked if anyone else has experienced recovering with no taper/PCT so quickly after a longer cycle.
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Your post wasn't real clear exactly what your cycle was.

"My last round of gear was a pretty long cycle. It was a 12 week test cycle, 4 week 250test cruise, then for ~20 weeks I was experimenting with test, tren, npp, and adrol. I just got off and was running 500test/wk and 600npp for around 8 weeks before this. I got off to let my body recover and I started to thin at my temples."
I thought the details of the cycle would add irrelevant info since I was shut down regardless. The summary would be I've been on 6 months. Of that the last 8 weeks involved 500test and 600npp

The reason for me not knowing exactly how long the 20ish weeks was is because I was experimenting with tren. The cycle was all over until I finally threw out tren totally as I didn't respond well.