Long time cycle and PCT/recovery


New Member
Hi, I am currently on steriods for 5 months and would like to cycle till im 9-12 months ''ON''.
I am 26 years old and train for 4 years straight.

In the first week of my cycle I began using HCG 500 IU every 3 days.
My question now is, wil long term use of HCG cause permanent damage to my body and my second question is if I cycled for 12 months is there a big chance I will recover from it?

So i will use HCG 12 months straight after that I will use Tamoxifen and Clomid as my post cycle therapy and check my blood after a specifiq time frame has past.
I think you got the right idea. You may want to include a hcg blast period at the start of your pct... Like 2 weeks of 1-2000iu shots eod WHILE using SERMs and perhaps extend SERM use. Take that advice with a grain** I have not been through it

Bill roberts had some good posts about long term hcg use and desensitization. From what I gathered from it you shouldn't worry at your dosages. Perhaps you could search and find.

I would be very interested in following your recovery especially if you will have bloods done along the way. I think it would be very valuable to the community if you could put it all together in a PCT log? Good luck bro
I think you got the right idea. You may want to include a hcg blast period at the start of your pct... Like 2 weeks of 1-2000iu shots eod WHILE using SERMs and perhaps extend SERM use. Take that advice with a grain** I have not been through it

Bill roberts had some good posts about long term hcg use and desensitization. From what I gathered from it you shouldn't worry at your dosages. Perhaps you could search and find.

I would be very interested in following your recovery especially if you will have bloods done along the way. I think it would be very valuable to the community if you could put it all together in a PCT log? Good luck bro

I would love to make an PCT log for you guys, if there are people here who can guide me and advice me what to to. I have done a bloodwork recently. Not for the PCT but for my lipids etc. If you are interested and more people also I can make an log about my cycle and PCT.
In a few weeks ill have 15 ampuls of HCG 5000 iu
I think that'd be great man, maybe someone that has come off a long cycle like that can tell you what they did. I'm sure everyone wants to see how you recover from it though. There's not much traffic in the pct forum so give it a couple days
I think that'd be great man, maybe someone that has come off a long cycle like that can tell you what they did. I'm sure everyone wants to see how you recover from it though. There's not much traffic in the pct forum so give it a couple days
Do you know people here who know allot of long cycling anabolics and PCT to recovery so i can PM them or they can help me?
Lol not really I know a few that blast and cruise but not pct. I'm kinda new myself, I'm just on here a lot. They'll show up
So when the synthetic LH is ceased your gonadotropins will be havin your pituitary squirtin LH and FSH and it'll be a seamless transition in the feedback loop. Hcg to get the balls responsive, SERMs for hypothalamus and pituitary, you pull the hcg and it's bait and switch back to natural LH. I believe*** that's the protocol doc Scally advocates. I have yet to do it. Just my understanding
There is a reason people do steroids in cycles, 12 months on is going to have a serious impact on your health. It is a stupid thing to do. SMH
So when the synthetic LH is ceased your gonadotropins will be havin your pituitary squirtin LH and FSH and it'll be a seamless transition in the feedback loop. Hcg to get the balls responsive, SERMs for hypothalamus and pituitary, you pull the hcg and it's bait and switch back to natural LH. I believe*** that's the protocol doc Scally advocates. I have yet to do it. Just my understanding
I'm not questioning why they should be used in the same protocol, I'm questioning why you would run them both simultaneously together. The elevated e2 refractory to increased aromization from hCG will cause suppression...
I am certainly not an expert or even well versed in the topic, but without concurrent use of SERMs you are only stimulating the leydig cells and once exogenous LH is removed, you have no natural replacement to continue stimulating the testicles and you risk them going back to "sleep" until SERM usage can get your gonadotropins pumpin again. With simultaneous administration, your natty LH is at such a level, that upon discontinuation of hcg, it can immediately stimulate continued production of natty test. E2 can be accounted for and controlled. But like I said, just my understanding
I am certainly not an expert or even well versed in the topic, but without concurrent use of SERMs you are only stimulating the leydig cells and once exogenous LH is removed, you have no natural replacement to continue stimulating the testicles and you risk them going back to "sleep" until SERM usage can get your gonadotropins pumpin again. With simultaneous administration, your natty LH is at such a level, that upon discontinuation of hcg, it can immediately stimulate continued production of natty test. E2 can be accounted for and controlled. But like I said, just my understanding
I'm not sure we're on the same page. I'm saying that the hCG-induced suppression makes SERMs useless when the two are used simultaneously. It's about the equivalent of using SERMs to stimulate the HPTA while on cycle.
Lol I guess we're gonna have to agree to disagree. I understand hcg can be suppressive, that's why I will only use it the first ten days of my PCT, just long enough to wake the boys up and give the SERMs a chance to up LH output and take over in a fully operational feedback loop. I think Dr. Scally compared it to jump starting a car or rolling it down hill to get it to fire... If my pct next month is an epic fail I'll know why
Can Doctor Scally confirm he helped a patient recovery who has been on gear for 6 months and more?

The power pct program is is tested on people who have been on nandrolone and test cyp for 12 weeks not more...
This will not end well.

There is NO such thing as Leydig Cell Desensitization.

Power PCT is a name used by someone else, not me.