New Member
Hey, 25M, I made this account about a year and a half ago and never ended up posting. I’m an aspiring “natural” bodybuilder but constant injuries and life struggles have kept me limited. I’d finally gotten over my last bout of injuries and started back bodybuilding consistently, doing well since April and then BAM I manage to get shoulder separation in both of my shoulders, and my old elbow *and* knee tendonitis flared back up. Unfortunately a foreseeable outcome of overtraining, but I just love training so much and moderation is not my thing. I am a recovering drug addict who’s been sober 5 years, lifting consistently for 5 years (whenever I’m not injured.) I came to this forum originally to get information about HGH as I was considering adding a low dose on to my last BPC-157/TB4 cycle, though financial problems led to me not pulling the trigger.
Now that I’ve got tendonitis in both elbows, behind my left knee, and bilateral shoulder separation I am going to do a new cycle of TB-500/TB4 and BPC-157. I am adding this on top of a low dose of MK-677 which I have been taking for sleep gains because I suffer from insomnia and it’s available where I buy my nootropics so I figured I’d give 5-10mg a try, of course monitoring my blood sugar just to be safe. I am now joining the forum as an active member because I found a new source here and I’d like to be able to review them given that they are a new source in general, not just new to me. I’ll be placing an order with Devon today for 4 weeks worth of my BPC-157/TB500 cycle, and I will report back on their thread how things go. They look legit as is, but I just wanted to get involved before I’ve ordered and started my cycle so that any positive or (hopefully not) negative reviews don’t come from a totally fresh account.
Now that I’ve got tendonitis in both elbows, behind my left knee, and bilateral shoulder separation I am going to do a new cycle of TB-500/TB4 and BPC-157. I am adding this on top of a low dose of MK-677 which I have been taking for sleep gains because I suffer from insomnia and it’s available where I buy my nootropics so I figured I’d give 5-10mg a try, of course monitoring my blood sugar just to be safe. I am now joining the forum as an active member because I found a new source here and I’d like to be able to review them given that they are a new source in general, not just new to me. I’ll be placing an order with Devon today for 4 weeks worth of my BPC-157/TB500 cycle, and I will report back on their thread how things go. They look legit as is, but I just wanted to get involved before I’ve ordered and started my cycle so that any positive or (hopefully not) negative reviews don’t come from a totally fresh account.