Looking for guidance


New Member
Hey guys, I’m just getting back into the PED world after being away from it for 20 years and I could use some guidance. I’m a 43 year old male, 6’3”, 253 pounds. I’ve been back on PED’s for a little over a month, and I’m looking for guidance to help maximize the potential of the PED’s I’m currently using. My stack is as follows:

Tren E, 200mg - 1cc per week
EQ, 200mg - 1cc per week
Test E, 250mg - 1cc per week

I also have Primo E, 200mg and HGH, but I haven’t started those yet.
Hey guys, I’m just getting back into the PED world after being away from it for 20 years and I could use some guidance. I’m a 43 year old male, 6’3”, 253 pounds. I’ve been back on PED’s for a little over a month, and I’m looking for guidance to help maximize the potential of the PED’s I’m currently using. My stack is as follows:

Tren E, 200mg - 1cc per week
EQ, 200mg - 1cc per week
Test E, 250mg - 1cc per week

I also have Primo E, 200mg and HGH, but I haven’t started those yet.
Hey, what's your goal and what kind of advice are you looking for?
My goal is to drop my BMI, which is currently 29-30, and gain muscle mass. I’m looking for dosing advice based off the PED’s I listed.
I can't answer your gear questions because I've never run EQ or Tren E. I'm surprised nobody else has chimed in yet.
What kind of results have you been getting so far with that stack?
In my personal Tren experience i would always suggest to use the lowest amount, esp. in a diet so you can use that to break plateaus

100mgs should be plenty
My goal is to drop my BMI, which is currently 29-30, and gain muscle mass. I’m looking for dosing advice based off the PED’s I listed.
At those numbers your BMI is 31.6. Again
BMI is meaningless, it is BS made up by a mathematician and part time astrologer in 1830-50, the inventor had no medical background or education. .

Post photos so we can see what your body fat is. Drop fat gain muscle, forget about the very out dated BMI measurement.
At those numbers your BMI is 31.6. Again
BMI is meaningless, it is BS made up by a mathematician and part time astrologer in 1830-50, the inventor had no medical background or education. .

Post photos so we can see what your body fat is. Drop fat gain muscle, forget about the very out dated BMI measurement.

It's a crude measurement, a starting point, but accurate for 99% of the population.

The people who dispute BMI's usefulness are "racial equity" focused doctors and fat women.

A BMI in the Obesity range means exactly that for nearly everyone, fat to the point that it's closely correlated with much higher rates of disease.
