Looking for user experience with certain Insulin needle brand

So I’ve been using Easy touch for years for peptides, HGH and all water based injections
Also have used Maxi-comfort and Sure Comfort with no issues either
My GF wants to try a different brand that’s is hopefully a little sharper for her but does want to spend for BD syringes
I was wondering if anyone has any feedback on
Exel Comfort
They are comparable in my experience. I prefer easy touch though. If she wants a sharper needle for injecting then get a setup with a removable needle. Draw with one then ditch it, put a fresh one on, and you're good to go. Each time you pierce anything with a needle It will dull to some degree depending on the material and how thick it is. IME using the same needle to draw and inject (insulin syringe) is noticeably different than injecting with a fresh needle.