lost all gains and maybe more from prohormoes

daniel facundo

New Member
about a month and a half ago i decided to purchase a stack of pro hormones(bolder meth 2&angrogenix labs mass)with a anti estrogen (post war) for during cycle. 2 weeks into my cycle i was already sexually shut down but my strength and endurance was increased by a lot and by the time i hit my 3rd week i was getting a lot of compliments on my size of mass. In the 4th week i was having a lot of discomfort in my abdomin which felt like heavy bloat and pressure on my sides so i cut down to just one pro hormone to finish my 4 week cycle. Finally finishing with the phs i jumped on annihilation which was suggested by the store salesman who automatically suggested the two phs if i wanted size. Taking a deload for a week In the 2 week of the pct i noticed my bicep muscles were just soft and also noticed my sex drive was still gone as well as feeling like i was dropping lbs which i assumed was the water weight. Now about 4 weeks later it seems i have lost all the water weight and I'm back to my normal size with still a lacking sex drive even tho i can still get it up but just very weak and soft muscles were even making a flex it feels like shit. a few days ago my joints elbow joints were hurting so i popped that anti estrogen again and the pain went away so I'm guessing my estrogen may be high as well as low testosterone cause of the lack of sex drive. What I'm really worried about is if I'm still trying to hit it hard in the gym is it possiable that ill even eat up more muscle tissue if I'm lacking testosterone cause today at the gym my pumps were just weak as shot even on a pre work out and usually the day after the gym i usually feel solid and now I'm soft.What should i really do to stop this from going any further and destroying further gains???
You need to run a SERM, I would do nolvadex 40/40/20/20 or torem 120/90/60/30. You need to do this asap. You are obviously shut down and you are also a prime example of why PHs are NOT a safe alternative to AAS.
i don't believe that the pro hormones we're the cause of lost gains i believe it was the pct that they offered. If i had run nolvadex i think i could of held on to some gains at least 50% but i guess now i gotta start from the bottom again.
First off, what PH were you exactly taking? And Im not taking about the brand, Im talking about the actual PH itself. Your first sign should have been when you're sex drive shut down during a cycle. Your first mistake was taking advice from a dude selling shit from a store. You said you should have kept at least 50% of gains but lost all your water weight? Of course you're going to lose all gains if its all water. A PH cycle is never going to be long enough to keep any real gains. Stop fucking with PH, you're wasting your time and money.
PH are horrible they are dangerous. I wish gear was legal so people would stop fucking themselves up on horrible PH's. I see this all the time as a trainer. People assume it's in a store it's safe.

Steroids when done responsible are safe contrary to the media. Supplement companies will make any half ass PH that can get by legally regardless of safety. The FDA doesn't have to check supplement companies before they come out. There PCT stuff that they sell is bullshit.
One last thing if that is your real first and last name I would suggest making another screen name. You don't want to talk about the use of anything illegal with your full identity revealed it's like a free billboard for LE.
Jesus man....I like you was to lazy to get legit gear so I did PHs...MIND YOU

1-I did HEAVY research prior to each cycle
2-I did pre and post blood work
3-I took LIV.52 and celery seed for cycle support (still don't believe in them)
4-I did Nolva, DAA, LGI REHAB, and one time clomid.
5-I kept MAYBE 1/5 of the shit i gained each time i did a PH....the faster the results, the faster they leave.


Jump onto DAA, Nolva or torem, and some AI and HCG if you can get your hands on it, and run 4 weeks, and do bloods. Repeat until you feel normal again.

EDIT- How old are you anyway man? Don't be afraid to post you age man, yeah, if your young...fuck it, you've done it, now deal with it, and yeah you will get flamed, but I'm not here to judge what you decide to do with your body.
Serm brother man a lot of ppl fuck themselves by not running a serm after PH. Phs turn into steroids once they get into you're body. I ran super dmz with no pct my dick quit working while on cycle and it took me 2 months to get it back in action and get a full hard on.