Low dose accutane on cycle


New Member
Been thinking about 25 mg ed or eod on cycle acne isnt terribly bad but Ill still get a few flareups here and there and especially toward the end of my last blast it got pretty bad around my arms back is fine but shoulders and arms were a little messy. Thoughts on this?
Been thinking about 25 mg ed or eod on cycle acne isnt terribly bad but Ill still get a few flareups here and there and especially toward the end of my last blast it got pretty bad around my arms back is fine but shoulders and arms were a little messy. Thoughts on this?
I believe 25mg daily is what I ran daily during a big last few years back.. really fixed my bmvack and arm acne. Did dry my lips out some but that normal side effect. I wanna say I took that dose for 12-16 weeks. No issues at all. Neber did get bloods but my girlfriend at the time said it shouldn't make any markers skew at that dose. She's a PA in dermatology.
I wanna say try other treatments first to be politically correct here, but honestly me and her did all the regular treatments and nothing helped at all.. getting e2 down lower then I prefer helped very little as well. Accutane though cleared it up fast.. like 3-4 wks and there was real change in acne.
I believe 25mg daily is what I ran daily during a big last few years back.. really fixed my bmvack and arm acne. Did dry my lips out some but that normal side effect. I wanna say I took that dose for 12-16 weeks. No issues at all. Neber did get bloods but my girlfriend at the time said it shouldn't make any markers skew at that dose. She's a PA in dermatology.
I wanna say try other treatments first to be politically correct here, but honestly me and her did all the regular treatments and nothing helped at all.. getting e2 down lower then I prefer helped very little as well. Accutane though cleared it up fast.. like 3-4 wks and there was real change in acne.
Ive been on benzoyl peroxide for quite a while and never had a issue with acne before my last blast and for some reason it just all went to shit at the end im currently cruising and just ordered some 25mg accutane tablets. I dont see much change with benzoyl peroxide and cerave moisturizer.
Ive been on benzoyl peroxide for quite a while and never had a issue with acne before my last blast and for some reason it just all went to shit at the end im currently cruising and just ordered some 25mg accutane tablets. I dont see much change with benzoyl peroxide and cerave moisturizer.
It's common/possible that your acne will get a little worse when your first start Accutane. It's like a purge or something I can't remember. Then it starts to clear up/dry out.