Low Estradiol


New Member
Hey there. I’m 51 and on 200mg test e, 200mg Masterson weekly, Anavar 25mg daily and arimidex 1mg every 4 days. It’s been 5 weeks at these doses and my estrogen is in the toilet. I’ve read through the low E2 posts and from what I’ve seen, I plan to drop the adex, up test to 400 mg, and I’m dropping the Var until the last 4 weeks of this 15 week cycle.

Any other suggestions? Thanks for any feedback.


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Hey there. I’m 51 and on 200mg test e, 200mg Masterson weekly, Anavar 25mg daily and arimidex 1mg every 4 days. It’s been 5 weeks at these doses and my estrogen is in the toilet. I’ve read through the low E2 posts and from what I’ve seen, I plan to drop the adex, up test to 400 mg, and I’m dropping the Var until the last 4 weeks of this 15 week cycle.

Any other suggestions? Thanks for any feedback.
Drop the adex right away. No need for it with those doses, most people including myself find masteron/primo is enough to control estrogen sides. You can take hcg in the meanwhile if you have any to help raise e2, 100iu ed helped me. How do you feel
Drop the adex right away. No need for it with those doses, most people including myself find masteron/primo is enough to control estrogen sides. You can take hcg in the meanwhile if you have any to help raise e2, 100iu ed helped me. How do you feel
I’m not lethargic or anything. I’m tired, but I wake up drenched in sweat at night also. I do have HCG coming, I’ll give that a try as well. Thanks for the recommendation.
I’m not lethargic or anything. I’m tired, but I wake up drenched in sweat at night also. I do have HCG coming, I’ll give that a try as well. Thanks for the recommendation.
At that number my body feels like I'm 100, can't sleep and feel irritable. If you had test prop on hand, or dbol those are also other ways to raise it quicker. Moderate doses so you can gradually bring it up, finding that balance is key
Didn’t even thing about test prop. I’ve got a little of that. Might throw in 50mg eod for a couple of weeks while raising the test e. Thanks again.
I wouldn’t drop the adex and up the test immediately. Your body might react to the volatility of the E2. Id keep everything stagnant expect drop adex completely.

One thing I’ve learned is never change 2 variables at once.
I wouldn’t drop the adex and up the test immediately. Your body might react to the volatility of the E2. Id keep everything stagnant expect drop adex completely.

One thing I’ve learned is never change 2 variables at once.
Ok, thanks. I’ll give it a try. I plan on bloodwork again in 4-5 weeks. I’ll see where I’m at after dropping adex and make adjustments then.
I wouldn’t drop the adex and up the test immediately. Your body might react to the volatility of the E2. Id keep everything stagnant expect drop adex completely.

One thing I’ve learned is never change 2 variables at
Reread your post. You suggested not going up on the test immediately. I might go ahead and add in slowly in a couple of weeks and see how I feel. Then check bloods again. Thanks again for the reply.
I thought I’d update. Sorry I didn’t keep up this thread very well. If anyone’s interested I ended up dropping down to my trt dose from pharmacy 70/70/60 mgs test cyp/test e/deca. No AI. I did blood work in July and test was in the 1100s and e2 was 40. August 1st switched over to QSC’s Sustanon 60mgs and adex .5mg every 3 days. Mainly made the switch for affordability and figured I try a different compound. So far I feel pretty good, I seem to not notice the differences in e2 so much as I naturally have all the usual symptoms. Lack of sleep, joint pain, etc…I plan on adding in 75mg of deca a week for the joint pain and see how bloods look in another 4-5 weeks.


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I thought I’d update. Sorry I didn’t keep up this thread very well. If anyone’s interested I ended up dropping down to my trt dose from pharmacy 70/70/60 mgs test cyp/test e/deca. No AI. I did blood work in July and test was in the 1100s and e2 was 40. August 1st switched over to QSC’s Sustanon 60mgs and adex .5mg every 3 days. Mainly made the switch for affordability and figured I try a different compound. So far I feel pretty good, I seem to not notice the differences in e2 so much as I naturally have all the usual symptoms. Lack of sleep, joint pain, etc…I plan on adding in 75mg of deca a week for the joint pain and see how bloods look in another 4-5 weeks.
Why does your doctor prescribe two different but very similar esters of testosterone in equal amounts?

That is unnecessarily complicated, bordering on retarded. It makes no difference in anything compared to using a very simple 140 mg of one or the other.
Personally, I err on the side of letting my E2 get "to high" vs trying to fight it into a narrow range. That has been such a moving target for me over the years and I just got tired of the roller coaster ride. Testing is good. But, knowing how you feel in a certain range is key IMHO.

I have learned to see the signs of my E2 getting to high for me. There are several symptoms, but the one that hits me first is my attitude. I am waaaay to emotional in my attitude and response to people/life. That's a key for me that it might be time to take some AI and knock that trash back a few points.

Bringing E2 back down is a 1/2 day to a day to feel optimized again; crashing it is several days of FML
Why does your doctor prescribe two different but very similar esters of testosterone in equal amounts?

That is unnecessarily complicated, bordering on retarded. It makes no difference in anything compared to using a very simple 140 mg of one or the other.
It’s from Empower Pharmacy. It’s a blend they sell. I haven't asked him why he prefers it. He says it’s the same one he takes. I haven’t really worried about it myself. Since switching over to Sus, it’s just sitting in my medicine cabinet. Next time I see him I’ll ask why he prefers it.
I probably should have mentioned it was a blend. That may answer your question as well.
Started new blast. I mean, at least for me.
Mainly just adding a little muscle and my buddies and me plan a mountain biking trip every year in November. Will be a bonus to have the extra hct, rbc levels during the trip.

15 weeks
Sust- 100mg
Mast e - 60mg
Deca - 60mg
Every 2 days all QSC

Weeks 9-13 Anavar 25mg split 2x daily

HCG - 250iu M/W/F (pharma)

Dropping my Ai last time I did mast with ai I crashed my e2. Of course if I start getting noticeable high e2 sides I’ll add back in slowly

Will post up bloods again in 4-5 weeks. Kinda interested to see how my e2 will look this time.

As always criticism, ridicule, questions, comments, and concerns are appreciated.
If better endurance is the target, drop the mast, drop the car, add drol and EQ. Or cardarine.
Thanks very much. I might try that for my spring trip. I already have all this gear on hand, but I’ll definitely read up on it. I’ve looked at the cardarine before, I’m definitely interested in trying it. I tried tren once and got bad sides. Very angry and aggressive. Complete opposite of my usual. Someone had mentioned I probably wouldn’t do good with EQ because of that? My doses are so low compared to most folks, I’ll probably throw it in to my next blast. Thanks again for the recommendations. Greatly appreciated