LOW T4 Help


Not taking hgh at the moment. I have bloods going back to last year with similar results. Should I consider a replacement dose of t4? I have been having crippling joint pain and fatigue for the past couple months. I thought it was solely due to e2 mismanagement, but I am wondering is low t4 can have a factor?

I've not seen T4 correlate with joint issues. T3 uptake indirectly measures binding capacity, so useless in this context.

Would definitely suggest getting Free T4, Free T3 and reverse T3 to determine whether you have an issue and have a full picture before deciding how to treat.

Ideally you would want FT4 between 1 & 2. and FT3 over 3.5
TSH should be closer to 1.

Regardless of your Total T4 level, you would need to determine how much is actually bound vs. free vs. not converted to T3 - which is what reverse T3 is measuring. Hope that helps.
I've not seen T4 correlate with joint issues. T3 uptake indirectly measures binding capacity, so useless in this context.

Would definitely suggest getting Free T4, Free T3 and reverse T3 to determine whether you have an issue and have a full picture before deciding how to treat.

Ideally you would want FT4 between 1 & 2. and FT3 over 3.5
TSH should be closer to 1.

Regardless of your Total T4 level, you would need to determine how much is actually bound vs. free vs. not converted to T3 - which is what reverse T3 is measuring. Hope that helps.
Okay I will get more bloodwork to paint a better picture, maybe I am converting alot of t4 all of the sudden to t3. The joint issues are probably from e2 then.
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Okay I will get more bloodwork to paint a better picture, maybe I am converting alot of t4 all of the sudden to t3. The joint issues are probably from e2 then.
Agree with that approach...pointless guessing. Thyroid is important. You could also be converting a lot of T4 to RT3 (an inactive form of T3) in which case you might have more work to do to determine the cause.