Lower back strength


So yesterday, I was about to start my leg workout like a usually do, with a Leg Press machine, but they were all being used, so I decided to start with squats after a few months without squatting. I was surprised about how much strength I've gained, but also I realized how weak my lower back is.

I think I've been missing an exercise that hits hard the lower back, maybe I should starting adding a few sets of squats to one of my two leg days. As compound movements for leg days I only do leg presses (8 sets to failure), but I'm planning to add some sets in the hack squat machine once I change gyms this month. I don't do any exercises that focuses on the lower back on pull days either. Before, I used to do squats, but it felt like other compound movements would feel harder on my legs and they could add more volume of working sets in less time, also my tailbone used to hurt after a few months of doing squats, maybe this is not a problem anymore, idk.

So what are your go-tos for building a strong lower back? RDL??
Deficit deadlifts, good mornings and, my personal favourite, weighted back extensions with a barbell and a snatch grip to increase ROM.