Lower testosterone than before after cycle


New Member
Hello everyone,

I started my first cycle in January, it was 10 weeks of just Test E (500mg per week), waited 2 weeks then started 4 weeks of PCT = Clomid 100/50/50/25 and Nolvadex 40/40/20/20. During the cycle I used 500 ui of HCG weekly, and Arimidex .25mg EOD.

I finished PCT 2 months ago, so I have been 2 months "off".

I feel great to be honest, my energy levels are still the same and my strength is still the same while I was on cycle, of course I have lost a lot of size but I know that's normal. High sex drive also.

Now, the problem here is that my Testosterone levels before starting the cycle were: 1090 ng/dl and after the cycle it is 610 ng/dl.. I am still on the normal ranges, but I am worried that it won't get to the level I was before, how long does it take to you guys to fully recover (in case you could)? Do you guys take any natural testosterone boosters after finishing PCT? I know these don't work very well but still do you think it's a good option?

My E2 levels are also bit higher than before, I had 17.5 pg/ml and now 28 pg/ml (range is <68). Still on normal ranges tho.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day. :)

Edit: ALL the stuff I used was pharma grade, nothing was UGL.
Now, the problem here is that my Testosterone levels before starting the cycle were: 1090 ng/dl and after the cycle it is 610 ng/dl.. I am still on the normal ranges, but I am worried that it won't get to the level I was before, how long does it take to you guys to fully recover (in case you could)? Do you guys take any natural testosterone boosters after finishing PCT? I know these don't work very well but still do you think it's a good option?
Sorry man...

While your levels will hopefully recover some more, it is frankly possible that you won't hit that lovely natural level you had before. If it does, it will simply be a matter of more time.

If you fully recover, awesome, but this tends to be the general case. Somewhat lower natural values and longer recoveries after each cycle.

Cases vary, some guys have a nearly endless capacity for bounceback, but your experience is in the normal spectrum.

The end of the road is frequently TRT after enough cycles and recoveries for many folks.
Ok that's sad, I hope I can similar testosterone levels back before I ever think jumping to into another cycle... And is it normal for estrogens to be higher than before cycle? Or is it the low testosterone what is causing my estrogen levels to be higher?
And is it normal for estrogens to be higher than before cycle? Or is it the low testosterone what is causing my estrogen levels to be higher?

A. I think this tends to vary by individual, but were you bulking? An increase in overall bodyfat mass (not necessarily by %) can generate more aromatase.

B. Low T doesn't cause high E2. Your e2 is from converted test, low t, generally low E and vice versa. Generally.

While we are here...

Age? Stats? How the first cycle went?
Yes I bulked during the cycle (it was my first cycle), I am 26 years old and my stats right now are:

Around 175 lbs (lost a lot after the cycle, like 15 lbs)
BF: Around 15%
Height: 5'9 (1.76 m)

And the cycle went great! I increased a lot of size and strength very fast, I had not side effects at all (just a little bit of acne in the back but it's already gone)

Btw, I bought some Tribulus, I have been reading and it says it might help boost my testosterone, of course I know it doesn't work a lot but it would be nice if I could at least boost it from 650 to 850, whatever is good..

And for the estrogens, should I take some Arimidex to lower it? Or just let it be and see how it changes during the time?

Thanks bro!
And for the estrogens, should I take some https://thinksteroids.com/steroid-profiles/arimidex/ (arimidex) to lower it? Or just let it be and see how it changes during the time?

at 28pg/ml? No need sir...

If it was on the high side of the reference range or more sure, but not when you are dead in the middle.
at 28pg/ml? No need sir...

If it was on the high side of the reference range or more sure, but not when you are dead in the middle.

Oh ok, then I guess I will just stick to normal recovery and check my testosterone levels in 2 months back... I wanted to do another cycle but if they are still at 650 I doubt I will want to do it again because I'm scared to come back like at 400 or something... Let's see how the recovery goes, thanks man.
Oh ok, then I guess I will just stick to normal recovery and check my testosterone levels in 2 months back... I wanted to do another cycle but if they are still at 650 I doubt I will want to do it again because I'm scared to come back like at 400 or something... Let's see how the recovery goes, thanks man.
No worries...

If you start becoming symptomatic at any level you should look again. I am not a believer in treating just a number but without symptoms you should be fine at reasonable numbers.