Cut small round aromasin pill in four?


New Member
I ordered pfizer asin, the pill is very very small and it is round. I want to take a quarter so need to cut it in four. How to cut it reliably? My current pill cutter doesnt work well.
Get this pill splitter in the pharmacy section of walmart, or on their site:


It's sharp enough you'll be able to quarter it, but the pieces won't be precisely even, which is ok.

Here's the key: Only quarter one pill at a time. Use all four pieces sequentially. Because of the way Aromasin works. an individual daily dose isn't as important as the cumulative amount over 2 weeks. by only taking the 4 pieces from one pill in a row, you're ensure you get 25mg over the 4 days you take it.

If you cut up multiple pills, you might get pieces that are 9mg, 7mg, 7mg, 8mg, or similar (ie 31mg in this example).


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