Lump in right delt

Currently been using 1ml Test E 5x a week. I injected my right delt as I normally do, orange pin a full inch into my shoulder. When I was finished and pulled out the needle the muscle looks almost triangle like and there is a soft painful ball about 1inch around under my skin. Will this be abcess and if so hit the anti biotics?
Normally Iv had lumps go within a few days but this doesn’t seem to be changing in size, no redness around the area

Help please
Currently been using 1ml Test E 5x a week. I injected my right delt as I normally do, orange pin a full inch into my shoulder. When I was finished and pulled out the needle the muscle looks almost triangle like and there is a soft painful ball about 1inch around under my skin. Will this be abcess and if so hit the anti biotics?
Normally Iv had lumps go within a few days but this doesn’t seem to be changing in size, no redness around the area

Help please
I’d suggest pinning somewhere that IF something catastrophic was to happen, the pinned muscle is the muscle where you would care less if something had to be cut out of it. If I had to cut something out of my delt I’d feel my BB career would be over. My glute I could possibly live with.
Currently been using 1ml Test E 5x a week. I injected my right delt as I normally do, orange pin a full inch into my shoulder. When I was finished and pulled out the needle the muscle looks almost triangle like and there is a soft painful ball about 1inch around under my skin. Will this be abcess and if so hit the anti biotics?
Normally Iv had lumps go within a few days but this doesn’t seem to be changing in size, no redness around the area

Help please
But if you’d like to keep pinning your delts AND keep that frequency I’d suggest pinning 4x a week at 1.25cc pinning right/left delt and then right/left glute. Pinning your delts 5x a week sounds like a rough fucking time. If I pinned my delts that often I’d have lumps growing out of them also.. (assuming the gear is quality). Listen to your body.
But if you’d like to keep pinning your delts AND keep that frequency I’d suggest pinning 4x a week at 1.25cc pinning right/left delt and then right/left glute. Pinning your delts 5x a week sounds like a rough fucking time. If I pinned my delts that often I’d have lumps growing out of them also.. (assuming the gear is quality). Listen to your body.
Yes I see what you mean completely mate thanks for that and definitely will look to reduce injection been at 1cc each delt 5x a week so definitely some rotation needed. I will leave the delts alone for now and see what happens with this lump if I can’t shift it I’ll take a cost to the docs and hopefully not have to lose anything
You take 5ml of test e a week or 1ml split in 5 doses?

Edit nvm just read your intro thread... Jesus dude...
Was in a coma in 2022 so why not run 1500mgs test e a week and I’m wondering why I have a lump in my shoulder when I pin 600-900 mgs of test e in my delt a week. Never surprised on here.
Was in a coma in 2022 so why not run 1500mgs test e a week and I’m wondering why I have a lump in my shoulder when I pin 600-900 mgs of test e in my delt a week. Never surprised on here.
The liver failure, diabetic coma, 1g of tren E, and 40 units of insulin... That's what got me..