First Cycle and Infection

It does seem like there has been a problem with raws.

Having homebrewed for over 20 years, I never had problems with test e. Zero.

I brewed some raw I've had for a couple years about 6 months ago and have pip for several days after injection. Seems like this has been reported for the last 3-4 years for some reason.

No sign of infection or any redness. It all comes from the same place.
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Just atarted doing searches because im worried i might have got an infection. Been using the same vial of test e for the past 3 weeks. I do three shots a week. One particular shot on my right delt had pip the day after and started hurting more and more as the week went on. Now about 6 days later my delt is in paint to where it feels like it travels up my shoulder and i have a dead arm and also a hard lump. Other then swelling there is no redness or brusing. How would i know if its infected or not
Just atarted doing searches because im worried i might have got an infection. Been using the same vial of test e for the past 3 weeks. I do three shots a week. One particular shot on my right delt had pip the day after and started hurting more and more as the week went on. Now about 6 days later my delt is in paint to where it feels like it travels up my shoulder and i have a dead arm and also a hard lump. Other then swelling there is no redness or brusing. How would i know if its infected or not
Any fever? Warmth to the site?
“B12 injection gone bad” I got a laugh out of that. I don’t think I’ve ever ran UGL test E, but pharma test E has never given me trouble. I’d contact source.
I had the worst experience with sustanon. It was gp sust from naps. Every shot swelled and to the size of a grape fruit. Fevers and the pain was unbearable. I ran antibiotics but it never really worked. I would run them and would also not use them and the result was the same. Through lots of testing and research I found that I was having inflamation from irritation which triggered a severe immune response. I switched to test e and that went away. I had another batch from a underground lab that did the same. I narrowed it down to solvents and concentration. I make everything now with only bb and no more than typical dosing. I also only do 1ml per pin and now between those things Inhave no pip
I had the worst experience with sustanon. It was gp sust from naps. Every shot swelled and to the size of a grape fruit. Fevers and the pain was unbearable. I ran antibiotics but it never really worked. I would run them and would also not use them and the result was the same. Through lots of testing and research I found that I was having inflamation from irritation which triggered a severe immune response. I switched to test e and that went away. I had another batch from a underground lab that did the same. I narrowed it down to solvents and concentration. I make everything now with only bb and no more than typical dosing. I also only do 1ml per pin and now between those things Inhave no pip
I had a similar experience with Sustanon and even went to the ER. They basically said walk it off. No more sustanon for me. Test cyp from then on and no PIP since.
First injection that resulted in infection: SubQ into stomach, .5ML of Test E (Stan).
i haven’t ever injected anything sub-q my entire time messing with gear, i’ve only injected in my glutes, but seeing this makes me a bit nervous since i will be trying stans test-e and anavar for the first time, but i hope everything will be gtg and hope you recovered from that infection
Some people can't tolerate test E.
when i was using pharmacom (for 8yrs) i was using their test-e 300 and i haven’t had any of these issues other then a little pip (thankfully) so are these issues that are accruing just from the enanthate ester or dirty/unsanitary gear ?
when i was using pharmacom (for 8yrs) i was using their test-e 300 and i haven’t had any of these issues other then a little pip (thankfully) so are these issues that are accruing just from the enanthate ester or dirty/unsanitary gear ?
I have used pharmqo test e. Resulted in a nasty pip.

Now I have used Stan's test e because I misordered it, I didn't specify the test which was my fault and I tolerated it fine.

I am only on cycle 2 so im still new

I doubt it's technically the enanthate ester because I use mast e just fine. It may just be the batches that have been coming out or it's too concentrated. I have no idea
I had the worst experience with sustanon. It was gp sust from naps. Every shot swelled and to the size of a grape fruit. Fevers and the pain was unbearable. I ran antibiotics but it never really worked. I would run them and would also not use them and the result was the same. Through lots of testing and research I found that I was having inflamation from irritation which triggered a severe immune response. I switched to test e and that went away. I had another batch from a underground lab that did the same. I narrowed it down to solvents and concentration. I make everything now with only bb and no more than typical dosing. I also only do 1ml per pin and now between those things Inhave no pip
I call it the sust flu and its the reason why I prefer test e.