Major muscle imbalances on Cycle


Well-known Member
I am on my first steroid cycle, this coming Monday will be my last month of a 12 week cycle.

I have gotten great gains but my muscle imbalances have also been amplified and starting to make me OCD about it.

The main one are my shoulders. I am right handed and everything I do on my right is stronger and bigger, but for some reason my left shoulder is much bigger and more defined...

Any tips?
I have video taped my form recently and I have noticed when doing bench press movements my left scapula don't retract as much as my right... could this be putting more emphasis on my left shoulder resuting in bigger left shoulder?

Look at my right shoulder compared to left, left is not as retracted.


Recent picture at 200lbs after back workout. Right shoulder is obviously lagging behind.

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Personally I try to form check in the mirror and make my lifts as symmetrical as possible, if they aren't. Flat bench you can kind of tell where the dumbbells are out of your peripheral, and when you come to the top obviously they should be aligned. Once you fix it I think habit will takeover and you'll be good, that's how it was with me anyway.

I have the some problem from years of sports, back right lat is hella bigger than the left from pitching. And my bicep insertions are slightly different. My shoulders I think is a flexibility thing. Strength is pretty much equal though.

Looking joocey as fuck in your pic though. Good work
As @MoneyShot already mentioned. Work on your form. Use barbell for shoulders see how you strength is as it's easier for me to gauge a weaker side using a bar.

Use the mirrors. You got a strong physique and it's good to see your perfecting it
I am on my first steroid cycle, this coming Monday will be my last month of a 12 week cycle.

I have gotten great gains but my muscle imbalances have also been amplified and starting to make me OCD about it.

The main one are my shoulders. I am right handed and everything I do on my right is stronger and bigger, but for some reason my left shoulder is much bigger and more defined...

Any tips?
I have video taped my form recently and I have noticed when doing bench press movements my left scapula don't retract as much as my right... could this be putting more emphasis on my left shoulder resuting in bigger left shoulder?

Look at my right shoulder compared to left, left is not as retracted.


Recent picture at 200lbs after back workout. Right shoulder is obviously lagging behind.


If you do any isolation movements start with your left hand. Even if it's dumbbell curls try to start getting in the habit of using your left hand first. If you're like me you start with right hand and always favor right side. Try to become more ambidextrous in the weight room and it'll help.
If you do any isolation movements start with your left hand. Even if it's dumbbell curls try to start getting in the habit of using your left hand first. If you're like me you start with right hand and always favor right side. Try to become more ambidextrous in the weight room and it'll help.

Been doing that for years never helped.
I can't remember dude's name, but if I remember correctly he is a doctor of some sort. He treats patients with muscle imbalance by using a metal tool/device. His office is in NY. I used to follow him on Instagram. I've tried to find him but can't seem to at the moment. I'll keep searching.

My mind is drawing blanks right now but He has treated 3rd place Mr O physique competitor....gosh can't remember his name.
I can't remember dude's name, but if I remember correctly he is a doctor of some sort. He treats patients with muscle imbalance by using a metal tool/device. His office is in NY. I used to follow him on Instagram. I've tried to find him but can't seem to at the moment. I'll keep searching.

My mind is drawing blanks right now but He has treated 3rd place Mr O physique competitor....gosh can't remember his name.
Are you referring to the Graston technique by any chance?
I am on my first steroid cycle, this coming Monday will be my last month of a 12 week cycle.

I have gotten great gains but my muscle imbalances have also been amplified and starting to make me OCD about it.

The main one are my shoulders. I am right handed and everything I do on my right is stronger and bigger, but for some reason my left shoulder is much bigger and more defined...

Any tips?
I have video taped my form recently and I have noticed when doing bench press movements my left scapula don't retract as much as my right... could this be putting more emphasis on my left shoulder resuting in bigger left shoulder?

Look at my right shoulder compared to left, left is not as retracted.


Recent picture at 200lbs after back workout. Right shoulder is obviously lagging behind.

Your right elbow, when benching is flared out more then your left. If you look at the picture.
Barbell exercises allow the stronger side to pick up slack for the weaker side. I use a variation of the picture below but I bent over until my chest is almost touching my legs and pull the dumbbells from the floor and back at an angle. If there is an imbalance, use a heavier dumbbell for the weaker side and go a little lighter on your strong side.
A certain sport did this to me. I have been in the gym for 5 years now, strength is about the same each side but my left lat/back is still larger then my right side.
It would take continual chiropractic visits several times a week for months or maybe even years to fix most back and neck issues. A pinched nerve or something not so serious could possibly be handled over a single visit or two but a true spinal problem required constant adjustments
I feel like perfect symmetry, or at least achieving an unnoticeably different amount of symmetry in muscles is pretty impossible.
Especially if you were an athlete, but I feel like eventually they will even out a bit if you just keep working out. Don't let it bother you too much.
My right quag verse left quad. OMG
I have that nice three muscle serperation on my left, and on my righht it is not as good. It is annoying,
Bro you look awesome! If you don't mind me asking what's your diet and training like? Also your muscular Indifferences are genetic mate you may have stronger muscle cells in different parts of your body my legs are much bigger than my upper body but you just Gotta train them equally. Don't let it get to you mate..