Major weight loss and loose skin


New Member
Hey everyone,

My weight loss journey started in September 2023, when I started on Sema. I was 369 lbs, 5'9", and 47 years old. I had been petrified to go to a gym because I imagined high school, getting picked on, etc.

Fast forward to now, and I am down 109lbs. I've been off the Sema since March when a friend who is a pro-bber offered to help me with the gym. I fought my fears and anxiety and joined the Y. I've been working out 4-5 times a week now since May. Hitting the weights, and I am going up with the weights every week. I love going now and look forward to it. I am glad I am making these changes in my life and I'm hooked.

I've been on TRT, 250mg/week since March 2023. In the last few months I've upped that to 300/week. I am also pushing 4iu of GH/day.

My weight loss on the scale has stalled out at 260. But, I've gone down 2 sizes on my waist, and 1" on my chest, 1" on my I am growing. I am also following a bodybuilding diet-6 meals a day, high protein (yesterday I had 193g of protein), 2100 calories/day 40% carbs/25% fats/35% protein.

The problem is loose skin. I feel it happening. What can I do about it? Short of surgery...which is not in the cards right now until I have lost more. I obviously want to avoid surgery if I can. I do have some stretch marks on my belly.

And for the naysayers out there, the sema made it possible for me to feel like I could workout. It motivated me to do more. I am more than thankful to the peptide gods for saving my life.

Thoughts on the loose skin?
Congratulations on the transformation! I've been there and it's no easy task. I know the feeling of anxiety about aesthetics. My major weight loss was almost 20 years ago. I still have some loose skin but it seems to have "settled in" over the years. I would look better if I had never been obese but I'm happy with my look now and much healthier. Back then I was as all bent out of shape about it. I just accept the imperfections now.

Loose skin has a lot to do with genetics. Added muscle will fill it out some. Time seems to help. For some people it gets better slowly over years. Getting muscularly bigger is the only non surgical path I'm aware of.

Even if you have loose skin I bet you look WAY better than when you were more overweight. Keep on keeping on. Stay the course. See where your body lands in a couple years. If You are still quite unhappy with the situation then maybe look into surgery.
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Would hgh help with loose skin? I might be making a simplistic comparison to loose skin, but my wrinkles and skin look so much better while I’m on hgh.

Congratulations on such an epic transformation op!
Hey everyone,

My weight loss journey started in September 2023, when I started on Sema. I was 369 lbs, 5'9", and 47 years old. I had been petrified to go to a gym because I imagined high school, getting picked on, etc.

Fast forward to now, and I am down 109lbs. I've been off the Sema since March when a friend who is a pro-bber offered to help me with the gym. I fought my fears and anxiety and joined the Y. I've been working out 4-5 times a week now since May. Hitting the weights, and I am going up with the weights every week. I love going now and look forward to it. I am glad I am making these changes in my life and I'm hooked.

I've been on TRT, 250mg/week since March 2023. In the last few months I've upped that to 300/week. I am also pushing 4iu of GH/day.

My weight loss on the scale has stalled out at 260. But, I've gone down 2 sizes on my waist, and 1" on my chest, 1" on my I am growing. I am also following a bodybuilding diet-6 meals a day, high protein (yesterday I had 193g of protein), 2100 calories/day 40% carbs/25% fats/35% protein.

The problem is loose skin. I feel it happening. What can I do about it? Short of surgery...which is not in the cards right now until I have lost more. I obviously want to avoid surgery if I can. I do have some stretch marks on my belly.

And for the naysayers out there, the sema made it possible for me to feel like I could workout. It motivated me to do more. I am more than thankful to the peptide gods for saving my life.

Thoughts on the loose skin?

Great work man.

Having the excess skin removed surgically may provide extra motivation or incentive to stay the course. This is a long game.
Badass. I have recently read that glutathione can help with skin elasticity and helping it rebound. Also I've read that may help. I lost 85 lb last year and I'm in the same boat. I I've been using glutathione for liver support and overall health for about 2 months and have not seen a noticeable difference. But who knows maybe it'll give you an extra edge. Certainly good for your liver and overall health and longevity. Lot of good research on it. One thing I have noticed, which is strange, is my eyes are much whiter. I suffer from chronic dry eye syndrome and poor sleep quality so they're usually pretty bloodshot. For some reason on glutathione their white as can be.
There's a host of interventions that one can use that increase laxity and collagen synthesis. I've tried many of them and none seem to have made much difference. Best to make peace with it and prepare for the inevitable surgery.
There isn't anything you can do about the loose skin now.

People have some strange idea that speed of loss causes loose skin. The damage is done with weight gain. Maybe you could make the argument for time spent overweight as well.

Genetics determines how much your skin can stretch and bounce back. If you exceed that you will have loose skin.

If it's not a ton of loose skin you may notice it tighten up some after an extended period of being very lean. Unfortunately places with loose skin tend to hold stubborn fat as well. So having loose skin and stubborn fat deposits will make the skin look worse.

Also don't believe anyone who claims fasting is going to fix excessive loose skin. Surgery is the only thing that can help past the point of minimal loose skin.