Massive Warning: Control and Arrest Operation Imminent!

Soon you'll be able to find these names on DEA list.
Stop paying and wasting money on these sources.
None of these companies got the license to produce finished products.
If you lose money in the near future,
don't blame everyone,
somebody already warned you.
Soon you'll be able to find these names on DEA list.
Stop paying and wasting money on these sources.
None of these companies got the license to produce finished products.
If you lose money in the near future,
don't blame everyone,
somebody already warned you.
Perfect we need a purge, no juice and peptides for everyone. You are the savior to the forum world.
Soon you'll be able to find these names on DEA list.
Stop paying and wasting money on these sources.
None of these companies got the license to produce finished products.
If you lose money in the near future,
don't blame everyone,
somebody already warned you.
Your character is kind of boring.

Get an avatar and a more distinctive writing style. I'm losing interest.
Whether you're interested or not, it's not what i'm concerned,
Just wish you see the point from the news,

“An official from the ministry stated that based on the consensus reached between the leaders of the two countries, at the San Francisco summit in November, the law enforcement agencies of both countries have recently engaged in practical cooperation in areas such as drug control, repatriatck ion of illegal immigrants, fugitive pursuit, and combating transnational crimes.”
That’s a slap in the wrist, wtf, nobody is going to be deterred from that. Weak sentence, hopefully the Chinese would do better.
Your posts are getting more irrelevant every time. Nice try on the fearmongering.
"Two other defendants, Michael Reed "Purple Panda" Jordan and his wife, known only as "Vera" or "Vanna," have been fugitives since December 2020, according to court documents. Both are believed to currently be living in Shenzen, China, and are beyond the reach of U.S. authorities."
Do you guys find some name from the news?

"Two other defendants, Michael Reed "Purple Panda" Jordan and his wife, known only as "Vera" or "Vanna," have been fugitives since December 2020, according to court documents. Both are believed to currently be living in Shenzen, China, and are beyond the reach of U.S. authorities."

What i am doing is not spreading fear, but rather minimizing everyone's losses as much as possible.

The people attacking me are either being paid by the source or are trying to make one last profit from the source.
Dude, why so much spam posting? These are within minutes of each other... just vomit it all in 1 post...