Math question.Powder Density - 1g Displacement.


Hi everybody.
I am interseted in homebrewing but not very good at math.
When i brew aas i use numbers found on internet, e.g

(Found on another board)
Testosterone Base - Density 1.12g/mL
Testosterone Propionate - Density 1.10g/mL
Testosterone Enanthate - Density 1.06g/mL
Testosterone Cypionate - Density 1.10g/mL
Testosterone Decanoate - Density 1.04g/mL
Testosterone Isocaproate - Density 1.07g/mL
Testosterone Phenylpropionate - Density 1.13g/mL
Trenbolone Acetate - Density 1.18g
Trenbolone Enanthate - Density 1.10g/mL
Nandrolone Decanoate - Density 1.04g/mL
Masterone propionate - Density 1.07g/mL

Testosterone Base - 1g Displaces 0.893mL
Testosterone Propionate - 1g Displaces 0.909mL
Testosterone Enanthate - 1g Displaces 0.943mL
Testosterone Cypionate - 1g Displaces 0.909mL
Testosterone Decanoate - 1g Displaces 0.962mL
Testosterone Isocaproate - 1g Displaces 0.935mL
Testosterone Phenylpropionate - 1g Displaces 0.885mL
Trenbolone Acetate - 1g Displaces 0.848mL
Trenbolone Enanthate - 1g Displaces 0.909mL
Nandrolone Decanoate - 1g Displaces 0.962mL

So for example when i brew Test E, i use powder displacement: 0.943

Now to my question:
If i have the density number of a powder, how can i use the math to calculate and get the 1g Displace number?

We can use the Test E as example,

Thanks in advance
None of this is really needed. Add about 1/2 if your carrier oil. Then add your BB and powder. Heat. Add BA. Top off to desired volume with carrier oil. Easy
Yes i know how to brew :)
My step is.
1. Powder in beaker
2. 1/2 BB
3. Stir
4. Heat up a litte,
5. Add rest of BB
6. Cool down to se if its holding.
7. Add oil and BA
Yes i know how to brew :)
My step is.
1. Powder in beaker
2. 1/2 BB
3. Stir
4. Heat up a litte,
5. Add rest of BB
6. Cool down to se if its holding.
7. Add oil and BA

Im not suggesting you dont know how to brew-im only saying you need not concern yourself with powder displacement factors if you use the “top off” method
Im not suggesting you dont know how to brew-im only saying you need not concern yourself with powder displacement factors if you use the “top off” method
Oh ok I see what you mean now.
By adding the GSO last you automatically get whatever displacement you need if your mixing beaker has the measurements on it.