Maximum Temperature for Heating Test E


Well-known Member

If I understand correctly Test E melting point is 34-39° C (93-102 ° F).

I would like to heat my pharma grade test e before injecting it to minimize pip and scaring tissue.

I have test e mixed with castor oil which is a fairly thick carrier oil.

Below the viscosity of castor oil. At room temprature 21° C (70° F) the viscosity is fairly high (around 750) but if I heat it to 34° C (93° F) the viscosity will be divided by a factor of 2 (around 350). I think by pushing higher to 40°C the viscosity will be even lower.


Now I have a heating pad that can heat at 40° C (93° F). My intention is to let the test ampule, the seringes, the filter needle get heated to 40°C (93° F) during 10 minutes. Then I will draw the oil in the serynge and put back the serynge in the heating pad to heat it back again so it reaches around 38° C (100° F) during 5 minutes. Then inject in the muscle.

Now the questions I ask myself are :
1) how much test e will degrade at 40°C for 15 minutes ?
2) Why does the manufacturer (Bayer in my case) is using castor oil instead of a less ticker oil as grape seed oil.
3) By heating the loaded serynge in the heating pad during 5 minutes, is there a risk that I am not 100% clean anymore.

I now I am overthinkg this a lot but I think it's fun to try to understand the pharmacology properties of what you are injecting in your body.
Here's what i did while on TRT for 9 years:

Heat up a coffee mug of water, usually 30-45 seconds in the microwave.
Take your loaded syringe with the drawing pin still on and drop it in the water. Prep your injection site while its heating up, really only need 45 seconds or so. Remove it from the water and change needle to injection size and administer the dose. Never once did i have an issue doing this. Hope this helps a bit. Essentially you want the oil the same or slightly higher temp than the body.Makes for easier administration and the tissues dont seem as bothered by it in my experiences.
Now the questions I ask myself are :
1) how much test e will degrade at 40°C for 15 minutes ?
2) Why does the manufacturer (Bayer in my case) is using castor oil instead of a less ticker oil as grape seed oil.
1) 40C is nowhere NEAR the boiling point, and generally the boiling point is where degradation really starts to happen, so I wouldn’t worry about it.

2) longer half life. Castor oil increases the half life of test U (vs tea seed oil) by about 45% (going from roughly 21 days to 30 days.

I’m not saying you’ll gain 9 days or 45% increase in half life, but it’ll certainly be a longer half life than pretty much any other carrier oil
Heated today my test e with a heatpad. Oil was flowing so smooth. Didn’t feel anything during the injection :)
Another suggestion is to add another carrier oil with your shot.
MCT oil is thin and it's pretty easy to make a sterile batch, pretty much synthol really.

Or just add another compound like Mast made with MCT, probably fucking with your trt protocol though.
I've heard of heaps of guy's throwing their vial into a microwave for 10 second's, ( I don't suggest it) and drawing it out. I have no idea what temp they were injecting it at.

The easiest way I used to do it was run the vial under the tap, hot only which is 55c - 60c.
It's cools down while you then get the shot ready and pin.
These can’t all be right.

More importantly, make sure it isn’t hot enough to burn you. Hot oil in your muscle would be a big problem. 40c (104f) probably isn’t too hot, but watch out with your conversions. 37c is body temperature.

My heating pad cannot go over 40c

When i heat the ampule, the amp is still in its box.

After a few minutes in the heating pad I take off the amp and then put it in the seringe using serynge filter. Serynge and filter are at room temperature, so the oil (only .2 ml) will loose some heat
Then i put the seringe back in the heatpad for 2 minutes to heat it back a little. Pretty sur it doesn’t not reach more that 37c

But I will check everything again next time
My heating pad cannot go over 40c

When i heat the ampule, the amp is still in its box.

After a few minutes in the heating pad I take off the amp and then put it in the seringe using serynge filter. Serynge and filter are at room temperature, so the oil (only .2 ml) will loose some heat
Then i put the seringe back in the heatpad for 2 minutes to heat it back a little. Pretty sur it doesn’t not reach more that 37c

But I will check everything again next time
I should have added that I do the same. I have a reptile heating pad (left over from my last mushroom grow) that I use to heat up my oils during the colder months. It works really well.
Hi, I left a vial of T on a coffer mug heat pad earlier and forgot about it. The vial was too hot to pick up when I got to it, does anyone know if I will have damaged the T or will it be ok.

Thanks for any advice
Hi, I left a vial of T on a coffer mug heat pad earlier and forgot about it. The vial was too hot to pick up when I got to it, does anyone know if I will have damaged the T or will it be ok.

Thanks for any advice
It's fine. Probably didn't go over 60-70 C anyway