Mct or Gso for Testo P?


New Member
For testo p 100mg which oil is better, mct or gso? I used 50% mct oil and 50% eo in the last brew and it made a awful pip and inflammation.
What do you think is the pip free recipe? I know there are many topics about this, but everyone says a different method.

I also want to ask a question about this melting point.
I use a magnetic stirrer to heat. Should the heating process be stopped when the recipe reaches the melting point, or should it continue heating once it reaches the melting point?

I used gso and mct, they're both pip free. Mind you test prop can sting and has a bite for most people, however, my brews never left a lump or redness.

So, it could be the mct or eo from your last brew. I would say the safest is to use gso, it's tolerated by most people.
I used gso and mct, they're both pip free. Mind you test prop can sting and has a bite for most people, however, my brews never left a lump or redness.

So, it could be the mct or eo from your last brew. I would say the safest is to use gso, it's tolerated by most people.
Thank you for the response. So what about the recipe and melting point issue?
Do you cook it till reach melting point?
And what u use for recipe if not private?

Thank you for the response. So what about the recipe and melting point issue?
Do you cook it till reach melting point?
And what u use for recipe if not private?

I don't heat it to it's melting point, I heat it up just to dissolve it. My standard nowadays is 2BA/20BB for 100mg/ml. I never go higher since you pose risk of pip especially its propionate.
100mg/ml you do not need EO at all. If you are doing it to decrease pip increase BB a few %points not to exceed 20%. Other options change carrier oil, I use mct but it does absorb faster try Gso. What Ga needle do you use? IM or sub q?
MCT in my opinion is far superior. Depends on the blend though. MCT 60:40 ultra filtered and hexane free Oil containing high levels of medium chain triglycerides: Caprylic (C8) and Capric (C10) is what you want. You can obviously get away with grape seed or any other carrier known, but in terms of superior quality and pharmacology, you don’t want to be using anything IMO. Understand if you choose MCT, the one I’m mentioning here is not the same as traditional MCT oil. So, if where you’re getting it from doesn’t disclose these specific details, then it’s not the MCT you want.
Either or is fine.
Keeping in mind test prop has a tendency to cause some pip in most people regardless what oil you use. Also a small percentage of people have reactions to mct oil. If you used it before with no issues then i wouldn't worry about it.
Also as mentioned already EO isnt needed for 100mg test p.
2% ba and 18% bb will hold just fine.without eo.


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