Me again, newbie and justva thought.


New Member
As those who've seen my post(s), I'm new to peds.

Running test e 300 only (1st ever cycle).

So far done weeks:-

1. 150mg
2, 150mg
3, 300mg

Here's where I am.

I planned to use the 1 vial, up it 450 for 3 weeks and drop it down again. Followed by pct.

I know I'm in baby doses, but this is for me to prevent weight loss, and stimulate growth so hear me out.

I know 300 is weak, and just about TRT levels. But my question is simple - and boys - you've been so helpful so far I'm open to info.

Instead of running the 1 vial as intended, should I run the 2 i have at say 300 weekly and get say 15-20 weeks (all in) THEN pct if needed?.. or even 450 till I run out.

I believe that if I'm shutting test down anyway I might as well ride it.

Obvs I'm a fucking 41yo noob, but I don't wanna run pct and off cycle if its safe enough for me to do say 20weeks all in and then pct.

Stupid post I know, but I like to ask to gym goers and meaty fuxkers for advice as you've all been throufh this and ever so kind to me (so far lol).

Note. I don't yet do anything better than test. But consensus seems to say many folk use (my level of test) to cruise with and just delay pct.

Any info is welcome. Along with any slagging off too.....I'm deffo expecting that haha.
Edit, I intended a 12 week, not 3 as I said. But didn't have the juice for 12 on 300 so calculated a dosage to work it out.


I don't know to do 450 a week and leave it, or 300 and have longer on it.
This is some weird shit, man. If you are going to run a cycle, then just run the cookie-cutter 500mg/week test c (or e) cycle for 16 - 20 weeks and focus on your training and nutrition.

There's no need to reinvent the wheel - especially for a first cycle.
This is some weird shit, man. If you are going to run a cycle, then just run the cookie-cutter 500mg/week test c (or e) cycle for 16 - 20 weeks and focus on your training and nutrition.

There's no need to reinvent the wheel - especially for a first cycle.
Mate. I'm super new to this.

I didn't know how I would react on test (hence the testing dose at half (150).

I could only get my hands on 300 vials, so I ran with it.

I didn't wanna fuck myself up and I don't know anyone who does roids to help me.

I decided a gentle softly softly approach, initially to see how I fair. Then ramp it up if needed.

I've only got test 300, 1.5vials left. And its how I use them for now that I'm seeking advice.

Not changing the wheel, ot even trying to fix it, just seeking advice.
This is some weird shit, man. If you are going to run a cycle, then just run the cookie-cutter 500mg/week test c (or e) cycle for 16 - 20 weeks and focus on your training and nutrition.

There's no need to reinvent the wheel - especially for a first cycle.
Not sure if you know. I've just finished my chemo and radio for small cell lung cancer. Coming in at a solid 9.8st (62kg).

I'm just trying to sort myself out and not get too thin haha. If that makes sense.

I can work out, I am still strong, I've got a good base to work with - yet....I'm still a complete noob in this field.
Edit, I intended a 12 week, not 3 as I said. But didn't have the juice for 12 on 300 so calculated a dosage to work it out.


I don't know to do 450 a week and leave it, or 300 and have longer on it.
I'm in my 40s myself and I can't imagine running a PCT.

You'll get plenty of flack from everyone else about your silly cycle design.

My pearls of wisdom would be--at 41y/o you are going to do what you want to do anyway but don't kid yourself into thinking this will be a one and done situation.

If anything your cycle will just leave you wondering what it would have been like to do it properly.

Also make sure you are lean when you start this.
I'm in my 40s myself and I can't imagine running a PCT.

You'll get plenty of flack from everyone else about your silly cycle design.

My pearls of wisdom would be--at 41y/o you are going to do what you want to do anyway but don't kid yourself into thinking this will be a one and done situation.

If anything your cycle will just leave you wondering what it would have been like to do it properly.

Also make sure you are lean when you start this.
Oh I'm lean. Cancer lean. But still ready to rock and roll.

I'm already considering stacking.

Not right now...........but in time (maybe 3 months or so).

Just need a decent source and I'll work with it.

The images are week zero


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Looking at your pictures you don't need steroids, you need to eat and train. If you're only 3 weeks in then just stop injecting. You won't need to PCT.
41 is a bit late for a cycle ... I would just blast & cruise in your situation.

Looking at your pictures you don't need steroids, you need to eat and train. If you're only 3 weeks in then just stop injecting. You won't need to PCT.

I think it's not a bad idea for him to take some test, at least do TRT. No offense.
Looking at your pictures you don't need steroids, you need to eat and train. If you're only 3 weeks in then just stop injecting. You won't need to PCT.
I lost A LOT of weight during cancer treatment.

Test is hopefully gonna help me in sustaining weight and not to lose anymore. If it helps me gain I will be a happy man.

It's not 3 weeks you see. That's week zero. 3rd pin was today (300). I've gained about 5lb in just about 2 weeks (or so).
Mate. I'm super new to this.

I didn't know how I would react on test (hence the testing dose at half (150).
Well, you're really not gonna know how you react - or react very poorly, by swinging your hormone levels around like a roller coaster every week. Since you're new to this you should trust the established protocols - since they are based on an understanding of how esters work. Esters handle the dose titration for you. "I'm new to this so I'm going to invent my own protocols" makes little sense. That 150mg per week dose? You're not gonna feel that for weeks. The 300mg doses? Weeks after that. Your body isn't going to be able to reach a balanced saturation stasis with what you're doing. It's also going to be trying to compensate for what you're doing by aromatising what it sees as spikes and strange changes to blood levels. So, your estrogen levels are going to be all over the place.

Pick a dose and stick with it.
Well, you're really not gonna know how you react - or react very poorly, by swinging your hormone levels around like a roller coaster every week. Since you're new to this you should trust the established protocols - since they are based on an understanding of how esters work. Esters handle the dose titration for you. "I'm new to this so I'm going to invent my own protocols" makes little sense. That 150mg per week dose? You're not gonna feel that for weeks. The 300mg doses? Weeks after that. Your body isn't going to be able to reach a balanced saturation stasis with what you're doing. It's also going to be trying to compensate for what you're doing by aromatising what it sees as spikes and strange changes to blood levels. So, your estrogen levels are going to be all over the place.

Pick a dose and stick with it.
Thank you.

I had been instructed elsewhere on here to build up to it (mg).

Solid info and thanks again.

So say stick to 300 for the duration and let my body handle/manage it?
Thank you.

I had been instructed elsewhere on here to build up to it (mg).

Solid info and thanks again.

So say stick to 300 for the duration and let my body handle/manage it?

Yup exactly. The ester (cypionate, enanthate, etc) actually titrates the dosage in your blood for you and lets it build up smoothly. If you want to see how it works, check an online calculator like (there are a few others). If you started with say 300mg on the first week, you're not actually getting 300mg into your system - you're getting a few mg per day as your liver breaks down the ester and lets the testosterone loose in your blood. This process takes about 3-4 weeks for enanthate.

If you change that dose up and down every week, you're defeating the purpose of the ester, and your body has trouble adjusting to the levels - it will try to compensate in other ways. This is when side effects start to be amplified. And, those effects might not start showing up for several weeks. Best to let the ester do its work and keep a nice smooth steady ramp-up and steady levels and let that baby purrrr. Good luck to you sir.
Yup exactly. The ester (cypionate, enanthate, etc) actually titrates the dosage in your blood for you and lets it build up smoothly. If you want to see how it works, check an online calculator like (there are a few others). If you started with say 300mg on the first week, you're not actually getting 300mg into your system - you're getting a few mg per day as your liver breaks down the ester and lets the testosterone loose in your blood. This process takes about 3-4 weeks for enanthate.

If you change that dose up and down every week, you're defeating the purpose of the ester, and your body has trouble adjusting to the levels - it will try to compensate in other ways. This is when side effects start to be amplified. And, those effects might not start showing up for several weeks. Best to let the ester do its work and keep a nice smooth steady ramp-up and steady levels and let that baby purrrr. Good luck to you sir.
Thanks again. Very helpful.

Would it be OK for me to keep your name in my mind for the future. ??
Thanks again. Very helpful.

Would it be OK for me to keep your name in my mind for the future. ??

Yeah I'm here most of the time - this place and 4chan are the only Internet things I do anymore. Plenty of knowledgeable folks around these parts though, and many far more knowledgeable than myself. You're getting some other good advice here too... but its up to you personally. For instance, PCT vs blast/cruise, and the dose you wanna pick for blast - or just considering doing a 150mg/week TRT regimen and go from there. I used to be in the "always start at 500mg" camp for years myself but recently have adjusted my views on a per-situation basis. In your situation I wouldn't necessarily say just do 500mg, 300mg is probably an okay dose (other than just doing TRT and sticking with it, which might be best). Keep us posted on your progress.
Yeah I'm here most of the time - this place and 4chan are the only Internet things I do anymore. Plenty of knowledgeable folks around these parts though, and many far more knowledgeable than myself. You're getting some other good advice here too... but its up to you personally. For instance, PCT vs blast/cruise, and the dose you wanna pick for blast. I used to be in the "always start at 500mg" camp for years myself but recently have adjusted my views on a per-situation basis. In your situation I wouldn't necessarily say just do 500mg, 300mg is probably an okay dose. Keep us posted on your progress.
I will indeed. For me this is a journey I'm new to, and hoping to learn something along the way, and the uncertain path ahead.

Thanks again. I will keep you posted.
I lost A LOT of weight during cancer treatment.

Test is hopefully gonna help me in sustaining weight and not to lose anymore. If it helps me gain I will be a happy man.

It's not 3 weeks you see. That's week zero. 3rd pin was today (300). I've gained about 5lb in just about 2 weeks (or so).
I didn't realise you had actually come out of cancer treatment! Honestly I think you'll grow a lot on 300, you can potentially reassess after 12 weeks but I reckon you'll still be growing as long as your food and training is sensible. I wouldn't recommend titrating up. If you do change the dose then stay there for at least 4 weeks before changing the dose again, or you'll get yourself in a pickle with your estrogen.
I dont even know if you need a cycle. Are you low test naturally?
If so what may help the most is going on true TRT usually 200mg/Wk or less and adding in a low dose of deca like 100-200mg a week. It's a treatment option for HIV patients to keep them from losing too much weight so if they get sick they have some mass
Oh I'm lean. Cancer lean. But still ready to rock and roll.

I'm already considering stacking.

Not right now...........but in time (maybe 3 months or so).

Just need a decent source and I'll work with it.

The images are week zero
Bro, you can't start using steroids right away, honestly, you should set a pretty consistent diet, that'll allow to gain a little volume, train hard and do some cardio, prepare your body naturally for at least 6 months and then you can use steroids, and I advise that you start with some TRT, it should work great. I've read that you've had cancer treatment so I'm pretty skeptical reagarding HGH, as it can lead to complications.