Me again, newbie and justva thought.

I didn't realise you had actually come out of cancer treatment! Honestly I think you'll grow a lot on 300, you can potentially reassess after 12 weeks but I reckon you'll still be growing as long as your food and training is sensible. I wouldn't recommend titrating up. If you do change the dose then stay there for at least 4 weeks before changing the dose again, or you'll get yourself in a pickle with your estrogen.
I'm gonna stick steady on the 300 for the vials I have. So maybe 25 weeks or so left. I'm getting my calories up, not mega but 3k a day roughly. That's up from about 200-300 a day for the last few months. (I can man survive on 300 calories, I wasn't.....hence the test, new diet and exercise.)

I had to Google titrating, but yeah. I need to be consistent with dosage. I was told to build up and ease off, but that seems like bull really.

Thank you
Bro, you can't start using steroids right away, honestly, you should set a pretty consistent diet, that'll allow to gain a little volume, train hard and do some cardio, prepare your body naturally for at least 6 months and then you can use steroids, and I advise that you start with some TRT, it should work great. I've read that you've had cancer treatment so I'm pretty skeptical reagarding HGH, as it can lead to complications.
I deffo will NOT be chucking anything into the mix for a good while. 3 months I'll probably get the urge, but it's not worthwhile this early. Maybe 12 months after training better than my feeble arse can right now. Haha

Now I'm pinning (which I've been petrified about), it's not bad at all.

I'm gonna just run the test, see how I am and then in say 3 month when I run out of test. Break, nolvadex, get my hormone sorted and think what to do.

Again, thank you. Appreciated advice.
I dont even know if you need a cycle. Are you low test naturally?
If so what may help the most is going on true TRT usually 200mg/Wk or less and adding in a low dose of deca like 100-200mg a week. It's a treatment option for HIV patients to keep them from losing too much weight so if they get sick they have some mass
I considered deca, but I was chicken shit, and rightly would have been wasted this early.

I need to get into the rhythm of food, train, food, sleep. Until then, I'm baby in the game of peds.

I think 300 a week for the next say 15 is gonna be a good guage as to my development and dedication without a huge amount of risk.

Yes....test is still dangerous to a degree, but certainly the safest way to enter the injectable game.

I don't want to be Billy big balls, go big or go home. If I shut my body down after what I've been through by injecting ugl gear I'd be pissed.

Advice is welcome, and thank you
Update. So I started at 9st 8lb at week zero.

Week 1 and 2, 150 test per week (barely TRT), but it gave me energy, and an appetite.

Exercise was lacking, but still 100x more than I could do.

Pinned 300 on Tuesday and getting more phys in. Muscle recovery is slower than it ever was when I was 'pre-cancer', but manageable.

I'm 10st 3and an bit lb as of today.

So that's.....erm about 8 or 9lb I think.

So call it 3lb a week.

Yes, food alone could do that. So could the phys.

But whether it's placebo effect, the test, or that fact I've put money into this, it's a gain.

See ahat double dose (300), does in the next 2 weeks or so.

Again everyone......I am very thankful for your support, criticism, advice and otherwise.

It it truly appreciated as I don't really know what I'm doing, but trying to save my life and become a stronger more resilient patient to give cancer a big FUCK YOU.
Oh I'm lean. Cancer lean. But still ready to rock and roll.

I'm already considering stacking.

Not right now...........but in time (maybe 3 months or so).

Just need a decent source and I'll work with it.

The images are week zero
In honesty ur not ready to run a cycle it’s clear. Your food and training are not up to par but u won’t listen 500 wk 12 to 15 weeks
Also sorry to hear about the cancer hope all is well read up on how to eat and the internet is at ur fingertips on how to train also the tapering up isn’t a good idea just run 500 a week I would spilt the dose 250 one day 250 mid week and fucking eat a lot
As those who've seen my post(s), I'm new to peds.

Running test e 300 only (1st ever cycle).

So far done weeks:-

1. 150mg
2, 150mg
3, 300mg

Here's where I am.

I planned to use the 1 vial, up it 450 for 3 weeks and drop it down again. Followed by pct.

I know I'm in baby doses, but this is for me to prevent weight loss, and stimulate growth so hear me out.

I know 300 is weak, and just about TRT levels. But my question is simple - and boys - you've been so helpful so far I'm open to info.

Instead of running the 1 vial as intended, should I run the 2 i have at say 300 weekly and get say 15-20 weeks (all in) THEN pct if needed?.. or even 450 till I run out.

I believe that if I'm shutting test down anyway I might as well ride it.

Obvs I'm a fucking 41yo noob, but I don't wanna run pct and off cycle if its safe enough for me to do say 20weeks all in and then pct.

Stupid post I know, but I like to ask to gym goers and meaty fuxkers for advice as you've all been throufh this and ever so kind to me (so far lol).

Note. I don't yet do anything better than test. But consensus seems to say many folk use (my level of test) to cruise with and just delay pct.

Any info is welcome. Along with any slagging off too.....I'm deffo expecting that haha.
I’m on my first cycle aswell 500 test. Started at 350 but then less then a week later I upped it to 500. I’m with the people that say titration is shit and has no point. Keep it at either 300 or 450. Once you hit stable blood levels you will feel normal almost like you’re not even on anything except for the good performance in the gym. Imo test itself is very very very mild. Keep it at 1 dose 10-16 weeks and eat your food and train proper and you’ll get the best results you can.

Just my 2 cents. Goodluck bro
I’m on my first cycle aswell 500 test. Started at 350 but then less then a week later I upped it to 500. I’m with the people that say titration is shit and has no point. Keep it at either 300 or 450. Once you hit stable blood levels you will feel normal almost like you’re not even on anything except for the good performance in the gym. Imo test itself is very very very mild. Keep it at 1 dose 10-16 weeks and eat your food and train proper and you’ll get the best results you can.

Just my 2 cents. Goodluck bro
Thank you, I've just had my last pin of this cycle. Gains are as expected with just finishing cancer treatments.

I've got tamoxifen for pct, but I've been told by my local and massive gym friend I shouldn't really need it on 300 a week.

Should I just run tami anyway, or see how I go?
Thank you, I've just had my last pin of this cycle. Gains are as expected with just finishing cancer treatments.

I've got tamoxifen for pct, but I've been told by my local and massive gym friend I shouldn't really need it on 300 a week.

Should I just run tami anyway, or see how I go?
Tamoxifen is to help you not get gyno during Pct. If you aromatise easily stay on it but if you don’t aromatise that bad I guess it’s up to you. I wouldn’t go over 20mg a day tho. If it was me I’d be running clomid to get my natural test production up and running quicker but with a very very mild cycle like that it’s not an essential thing to do. My Pct I’ll be running clomid and nolva but I’m using 500mg for 16 weeks
Tamoxifen is to help you not get gyno during Pct. If you aromatise easily stay on it but if you don’t aromatise that bad I guess it’s up to you. I wouldn’t go over 20mg a day tho. If it was me I’d be running clomid to get my natural test production up and running quicker but with a very very mild cycle like that it’s not an essential thing to do. My Pct I’ll be running clomid and nolva but I’m using 500mg for 16 weeks
I couldn't get my hands on clomid and working on the road it became harder to source.

So tami should be ran with say clomid, and not just on its own?? Sorry, as my post suggests, I'm new to this rodeo (lol, should have done this before my 40s).

Gym folk I know vs online forums vs online articles all suggest something different. Filtering it is often borderline impossible.

Q - can I get away with tami only or should I try and get some clomid?
-- could I get away without running anything on such a low test dose, or do I run the risk of gyno showing its head in a few weeks?

Baby questions so I expect some grief, but if you don't ask those who know and do, who do you ask.

Thanks again.
I couldn't get my hands on clomid and working on the road it became harder to source.

So tami should be ran with say clomid, and not just on its own?? Sorry, as my post suggests, I'm new to this rodeo (lol, should have done this before my 40s).

Gym folk I know vs online forums vs online articles all suggest something different. Filtering it is often borderline impossible.

Q - can I get away with tami only or should I try and get some clomid?
-- could I get away without running anything on such a low test dose, or do I run the risk of gyno showing its head in a few weeks?

Baby questions so I expect some grief, but if you don't ask those who know and do, who do you ask.

Thanks again.
You can get away with running nolva only but that just means you’re going to have to build your normal test levels up naturally. Because your cycle is mild clomid is not 100% essential. But if you were running say 500mg for 10-16 or anything higher than that I would use clomid to help my natural test production come back quicker. If you only have nolva and feel fine taking it stick to it imo