Melanotan 2 Log... Pre-vacation Sun Prevention... Pics includes

kosta jeezy

New Member
Melanotan 2 Log... Pre-vacation Sun Prevention... Pics includes

Let's talk peptides... Most people are familiar with the GHRPs, CJCs, HGH Frag and more common IGFs. Some people love them and run them every chance they get and others dispute if they are more then just a blank lynized powder in a tiny vial. But what about the other peptides... Particularly one that isn't suppose to effect your growth glands or cause you to want to eat a horse... I'm talking about Melontan 2.


Many know of Melanotan 2 (MT2) already. But for those who don't know about its properties, I'll run you through the product, how to use it, and even my own personal account on my latest run as I prepare to take a vacation to the Caribbean.

Melonotan 2 is a synthetic analogue of the naturally-occurring melanocortin peptide hormone α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) that in usage has been shown to produce melanogenesis(part of the tanning process that produces darkening pigmentation in the skin) and have aphrodisiac effects in preliminary studies and clinical trials.[1][2][3] Developed at the University of Arizona, it is a cyclic lactam analogue of α-MSH with the amino acid sequenceAc-Nle-cyclo[Asp-His-D-Phe-Arg-Trp-Lys]-NH2.

::Basically it's a peptide that change the pigmentation in your skin, resulting in darker skin color and protection from the sun's harmful UV rays. ADDITIONALLY, it also is a powerful sexual agent, increasing your sex drive and can even improve sensitivity causing longer and stronger erections for men and enhanced pleasure for women.

MT2 is used beyond the body building world and more widely used by the general public. MT2 was coined the 'Barbie Drug' as it is highly popular with young to middle age women for its tanning properties. In the body building world it gives you the tanned skin with out countless hours of sitting in tanning beds and laying in the sun day after day for weeks on end, and eliminate burning. MT2 drastically cuts that time down and has even been known to tan just from injecting the peptide alone.

In 2007, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to an American online vendor illegally marketing melanotan II on the internet as a drug that prevents skin cancer and assists tanning. The FDA has not licensed melanotan II, and explained: "There is no evidence that the product is generally recognized as safe and effective [GRAS/E] for its labeled uses." The FDA concurrently gave a blanket warning advising consumers to, "stop using Melanotan II, an unapproved product".
Dosing / Usage:
I mixed 1cc of Bac water into Euro Pharmacies 10mg MT2 peptide vial, and have been injecting subq 10 mark (in slin pen) every day.
Note* I'm taking this peptide to set a base and prevent burning when I am on a Caribbean cruise, from the winter of no real sun intake. So my dosage is starting about a week out before my leave date.
*Pro Tip: Mt2 has several different benefits beyond its tanning enhancement. ( Better sleep, increased sex drive, suppressed hunger) Timing your injection based off one of those attributes can better further its effects to your daily needs. For instance since I am on a low calorie, low-carb diet I would inject it for the suppressed hunger property when I knew that I would need it the most (which most of the time it's when I was working late at the bar).


Day 1: mixed and later on injected. Having used other brands of this peptide I know what to expect in terms of some flushness that may occur. The first several injections sometimes make my stomach have a tight feeling. I got that from this injection. No tanning not much sunlight was really applied.

Day 2: Injected in the morning after a small meal and some fasted morning cardio, to help hold off some hunger to save my caloric intake for later in the day (primarily after my lift). No real sun intake.

Day 3: I got some sun being just outside for a short amount of time. Nothing crazy and had a shirt on but a small amount of base color had started. I took my injection that night before work.


Day 4: I own a company detailing boats, so I took advantage of the nice open sun rays and worked on a Saturday with my shirt off (being cut like I am there is no shame lol), and by the end of the day my shoulders and upper back were red but not burnt. Probably 2 hours in the sun. I injected before my car shift that night. When I came home the red was already becoming a light brown color.

Day 5: I woke up to the no more red skin and just a light base. I went to the gym later and had my shirt off the whole work out. My skin was looking pretty tan in the gym light. Injected before the bar shift and When I got home work I can tell I have a very nice base already built. And zero burns. I normally get this tone from about two solid bright days at the beach, but some burning does occur.
Day 6: No real sun uptake today, but my skin has became a very nice golden base, and just seems to continue to become darker as the night goes on. I took my inject in the evening. Got asked if I have been "tanning" lately, by a family member, with a compliment of being pretty tan already.

Day 7: I wake up every morning with a slightly darker base. I'm the golden brown range of color now. I'm definitely getting darker by the day I have no visible sunspots are freckles that have appeared (that I have noticed). Under suppression seem to still be working as my caloric intake and is just below 1800 cal a day I find myself less hungry as I time my inject best to when I think I will be hungry based off my work load for the day. Beato still up even with they really low carbohydrate intake. Today was a nice Day out with plenty of sunshine so I took advantage of it and had my crew work on a boat, where I worked the topside for the best sun. I took my injection before heading out to work on it. I've been asked if I have been out tanning, by multiple people as it is still very early weather wise in my state to have the type of uv rays to become this tan so far. I think I will have a strong base to protect me while on my cruise.

Day 8: I finally noticed some freckles appear. I could probably back down from my 10Iu injection to a lower one but i decided to fill out the full 10 day loading period. My tan is dark. And no peeling had occurred what so ever. I had chipotle today and it messed up my stomach so I took my injection afterwards and chills out for day/night.

Day 9: My stomach is still killing me so even though it's the nicest day we have had so far this spring. So just laid low. Injected standard loading dosage.

Day 10: I took a 5 iu dose today because I don't care to see anymore freckles appear. None that have are huge or apparent to anyone but me but for safe measure I backed down the dosage. Also today is the day that I flight out for my cruise. A morning injection and I think I have laid out a great base and am ready for the southern sun.


(Start of Vacation Flight)

Update: Being on the cruise I have spent numerous hours out in the sun, with no sun screen or applied protect. No burning or peeling had occurred at all. I did however applied spf sun screen on once occasion where I had already been laying out in the sun on the beach for several hours and did some snorkeling with my girl, and applied the sun screen before going back out for a second time of snorkeling. I also found that applying a aloe lotion at the end of each day was comforting.

Overall I have never tanned this well or fast before, even when I lived in the Caribbean sun. It's great to have obtained this grain of darkness and not deal with being burned from the hours in the direct sun light. I will be purchasing a second bottle to run at a maintenance dose to help me keep this level of tan as much as possible, also because it is not even summer yet and it will be nice to be covered for the summer also.

My girl decided she would try to take the product after seeing my quick results but we were only able to give her to injections of 10iu (day before flight and day of flight) before we headed off on our vacation. I figured 2 shots would be better then nothing, especially with how light her skin is. (She's probably a 1 on the fitspatrick scale, hard to tan and always burns).
The dose was probably to high for her as she felt the nasiua and flushness to be uncomfortable. But in return the sexual enhancement on those next several days was incredible from her. She also claims she didn't burn as quickly as she thought she would, but on only two doses it's hard to say if it played that much of role in protecting her skin days into the sun.


(Return flight)

Euro Pharmacies is a good mt2 source the product is very simple to use and has great multiple benefits to how you use it.

Update 2: So it has been about three weeks since my vacation and My body have seen the sun once for about an hour since then (been raining [even snowing] like crazy, moody New England weather. But my skin is still very dark and I haven't injected mt2 since before my vacation. To show the contrast here is a pic:

I am very pleased with the product. Incredible results for the price! Thumbs up to a legit mt2 source from PSL / Euro Pharmacies!
That was a great write up brother. I've always been interested in using before I go away on vacation as well. I work heavy construction so I have a god awful farmers tan.
mt2 always worked amazing for me. id get so dark i ended up having to use sunscreen even if it was only gonna be 30 minutes or so outside. the sides are bad for a few days but they go away and then its all good.
I took MT2 from reliable source for about 3 weeks last year. The proliferation of freckles and moles came on hard and sudden. I got dark but the freckles have not diminished much in the last 9 months, including on my face. I have had a lot of sun exposure at my age and spending a lot of time traveling and surfing, etc. But, be aware, there are some possible undesirable aesthetic outcomes here.
I love the stuff. I noticed that it seems to last way beyond the time of using it. I'm talking like 6 months later and I can still handle a lot more sun without burning.
I like it too but as stated, you can get a A LOT of freckles. Also, beware of acne. If you have acne, that spot will freckle; at least for me it did.
As for the freckles and moles. I did get them on my first cycle but on future cycles I didn't get anymore.

Never any issues with acne.
As for the freckles and moles. I did get them on my first cycle but on future cycles I didn't get anymore.

Never any issues with acne.
Yeah it didn't cause acne. The issue I had was preexisting acne turning into multicolored freckles.
Tried but the sides were awful. Dosed at night and still woke up with nausea. I ended up tossing it in the trash. I did notice some darkening of freckles prior to stopping (1 week total) so I probably would have seen some good results but a tan just didn't matter that much to me.
From what I understand everybody is different. But I did. It doesn't matter when you are tan. But when you come
off they're gross looking.

Thats the only thing im worried about trying it. I mean i dont have any freckles right now (not that i know of anyways) and i would hate to get them. But im tired of being so white to. I actually have been tanning alot but i just dont get tan
Thats the only thing im worried about trying it. I mean i dont have any freckles right now (not that i know of anyways) and i would hate to get them. But im tired of being so white to. I actually have been tanning alot but i just dont get tan
If you score a low number in the Fitzpatrick scale, there's a significant probability you'd freckle. My shoulders are freckled. The crazy thing is I have "tan heritage" and I freckled so you could too. If you wanted to avoid it you could ease into it. As others have stated, the actual desires effects can last quite awhile.
If you score a low number in the Fitzpatrick scale, there's a significant probability you'd freckle. My shoulders are freckled. The crazy thing is I have "tan heritage" and I freckled so you could too. If you wanted to avoid it you could ease into it. As others have stated, the actual desires effects can last quite awhile.

Ya im gonna give it a try. Whats a good starting dose?
Unless u have a deadline to hit it is better to start low and slowly taper up to get to where u want. Something like
Week 1 100 mcg ED
Week 2 200 mcg ED
Week 3 500 mcg ED
When u find where u want to be u can do less frequent injections. Also ur results will be dependent upon ur sun exposure.

The compound is pretty cool because u can actually see the results. There r no denying them.
I would like to add further follow up posting on this... I khans not used Mt2 since this log. I wanted to see how long the tan would last and what type of tan I could get with out it.
First off my tan lasted for quite a while. I would say strong for about 2 months with minimal to average day sun exposure. But it started to cease away, as it should.

In in the past month I have been the sun heavily. I mean heavy!!' Been doing boats almost every day Monday through Friday, and it has been hot. If I wasn't working I was out enjoying a boat on the water in the sun. I have had a lot of sun exposure but I did not tan as fast or as dark as I did on mt2. Also I found that I burned a bit.

Im at a ok shade of darkness right now but I wouldn't mind being darker and having some better sun protection as the days have been scorching hot in direct sunlight lately as peak into summer here, so I think I will invest into some more mt2 and see how long I can make a tan last (into fall and winter ) with continued doses. I'll post it up here when I do.

Thanks for this log man. Its helped me decide on using mt2. Im going to pick me up some soon. I got a vacation coming up in august i wanna be tan for.


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