Member Introduction


New Member
Hello Meso family!

My name is Andy and I’ve been lifting for about 5 years in total. When I was younger I always wanted to become a bodybuilder, but when someone had to paid my bills, I had no other option than quit and become lazy office rat while gaining ton of fat All over my body. It All ended up at 113 kg (started at 85 kg) and my life was just horrible. I could not sleep, I could not eat properly due to my reflux problems and I wanted to go back in time immediately.

It All changed 2 years ago, when I decided to start over and after 5 months I lost nearly 20 kg. I started working out again, with some use of PEDs to speed this a little bit up (got some experience from years ago). Now I’m mainly focusing on building muscles and experimenting with wide range of substances to promote my growth.

I can say I Educate myself every day, reading books about PEDs, listening to podcasts and of course trying stuff by myself. That is also why We are soon launching a informative website about cycles and doses for each steroid available (unfortunatelly not in english language, I’m only telling you that I’m deadly serious and my knowledge is pure experience, not some broscience)

I would like to meet all of you gymrats interested in same topics and hobbies

Male 26
Weight: 91 kg
Height: 185 Cm
Workout plan: 6 days/w
BP: 180 kg
DL: 280 kg

Currently cutting for summer

Good luck in your goals and see you soon!