MENT more anabole then Tren E?


Does anyone have experience with high doses of MENT? is it really more anabolic than Trenbolone? What are your experiences

. thank you guys
Neither will build a fraction of muscle as test&deca, and they’ll do it with a lot less negative effects.
I didn't build nearly as much muscle with either deca or NPP as I did with tren. But it's true what you say, that tren has a lot of side effects and that's why I'm looking for a strong alternative.

Unfortunately, in my opinion, Deca doesn't come close to tren. hence my question about MENT, which I have never used before.
I've ran ment up to 300mg with test at 150mg and npp at 300mg.. it's was pretty awesome. Felt and looked much better then 500 test and 350npp. I also tried no test just ment and npp.. no Bueno for me. I felt terrible.. everything else was great. Looked good and was strong but mentally felt slow and had no ambition..
I've only used tren 2 times .. 1st was 300mg second was 200mg.. and I will neber touch it again.. yea it did what it was supposed to do. It made me a mental mess and I honestly had that "toxic" feeling, I don't know how else to explain it. Anadrol and winstrol gives me the same feeling after a few weeks..
most could probably get away with less letro.

personaly, i look, AND FEEL my best when my estrogen is in the dirt
Yeah I like to keep my estrogen on the lower side too or my gyno flares up hard.

Just saying that 5mg letro a day is a lot lol. Wonder if you'd be better halving the dose and adding novadex to keep the estrogen from binding.

Ment seems like an interesting compound, heard a lot of great things about it. But idk if I would do well with that level of aromitization. Even 500mg test/week and my nips start getting itchy
u should b fine with 2.5 mg letero ed or eod
Yeah I like to keep my estrogen on the lower side too or my gyno flares up hard.

Just saying that 5mg letro a day is a lot lol. Wonder if you'd be better halving the dose and adding novadex to keep the estrogen from binding.

Ment seems like an interesting compound, heard a lot of great things about it. But idk if I would do well with that level of aromitization. Even 500mg test/week and my nips start getting itchy